The people at apple are awesome. They are friends of board posters and AIM users.

Nono amigo, Radames ees an EXCELLENTE account! I COMPLETELY understand the reference, because eet ees in no way obscure! Even my burro ees laughing hees ass off! GET EET!?!? BURRO!?!? ASS!?!?! OOOOOOOH MUCHACHOS I AM TOOOO FUNNEEEEEEE!!!!!
Oh dear.

This is most distasteful.

Tell me, are any of you capable of building a trap for this influx of rodents and undesireables?

I can send a PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) which explicitly outlines my mechanisms for euthanizing such beasts to any willing piss... participant. Volunteer.

A gift, if you will.

- The Idea Professor.

Originally posted by deadair
wait wait wait... the "professor" just quoted The Rock?!?!... your stock just dropped a few levels.

I am sorry, "deadair", but in my universe an inanimate conglomeration of aged grit does not espouse complex thought in the format of the english language.

I would also like to clarify, in case of misunderstanding or improper interpretation, that "Role" is not the same as "Roll", lest your cornfed salivary glands excrete involuntarily.

Thank you, good day, and hereby I expect no compensation.

- The Idea Professor.

HERE IS AN EXCELLENT ARGUMENT FOR PUTTING A BUTTON ON THE KEYBOARD (bringing the thread back to the topic...sorry)

seipptastic: hey avi
aviroig: yo dawg
seipptastic: ironically, in trying to make a macro for "show dektop" I delelted the start bar shortcut
aviroig: d'oh!
seipptastic: now I can't find what it pointed to!!
aviroig: i did that before!
seipptastic: $#%)^$#&*%()
seipptastic: where did it point!?
aviroig: it sucks - I don't even remember what I did to bring it back
seipptastic: to where..
aviroig: fuck fuck fuck
aviroig: I moved it somewhere and did something weird
seipptastic: yeah
seipptastic: I moved it to my desktop, then back to the start bar
seipptastic: then I deleted the desktop shortcut
seipptastic: BUT I guess when I moved it back to the start bar it just pointed to teh desktop shortcut instead of the actual program
seipptastic: or whatever it is
seipptastic: oh well
seipptastic: IRONY