they actually sent this out at my work:


You may enter up to 25 ch
Apr 11, 2002
Where you live
"In light of the numerous responses to the previous mass e-mail regarding pedestrian safety, this e-mail is being distributed to help clear up the questions concerning the pedestrian signals. (company name) Corporate Security and MODOT researched the pedestrian signals located at both ends of the (company name) overpass.
With our campus located on both sides of a major highway, many Company people must cross its outer roads on a daily basis. Employee safety is our number one priority and I want to take a minute to remind you to use the buttons at the traffic lights and to obey their signals.
The pedestrian signals have been designed to get you safely across the roadway. Here’s how they work:

1. The "Walk" command appears for approximately six seconds. This time may seem like a short amount of time but it is intended for people to begin crossing the roadway.
2. The "Don’t Walk" command will flash for approximately 10 seconds. This gives those who are in the crosswalk ample time to safely cross, however, for those approaching the roadway it is a signal that they should not follow anyone already crossing, they should then press the button and wait for the next "Walk" command.
3. The "Don’t Walk" command will then appear solid until traffic is stopped again and the process is repeated.

MODOT has recently posted educational signs at the lights to remind pedestrians of how the commands are intended to work. If they are not used as they were designed, their purpose has been defeated and accidents are likely to occur. The shuttle bus is available if you wish to avoid this situation. We are also asking drivers to exercise caution when approaching these intersections, but we know that many drivers are not company people and are not aware of the foot traffic in this area.
Regardless of how you arrive at and leave our campus, please be careful.
If anyone has further questions, feel free to contact X with (company name) Corporate Security at extension xxxxx."

they just sent this out at mine!!!!

Dear Staff,

In recognition of all of your extraordinary efforts in Fiscal Year 2003, and a desire to give everyone a couple of more days in the sun, I am please to offer each vacation eligible employee two special vacation days to be taken between now and Sept13, 2003. These days should be scheduled like vacation days and must be coordinated with your supervisor. You will receive an email from HR stating how to mark these days on your timesheet.

So please enjoy the time and have a happy summer!

Dear colleagues:
Today's the day I move down to G200 and take on my new position. Thanks
to all of you -- there are a great, great many -- who contributed to making
my transition period such a pleasure. A special thanks to Bob for his
generosity in extending all kinds of needed advice and assistance. I
continue to feel what I felt three months ago -- honored, humbled, and just
plain thrilled. I believe we will do great things together, and I look
forward to working with each of you in that effort. Please keep your
thoughts and counsel coming my way, and please feel welcome to visit me in
my new office. I hope you're having a wonderful summer.
chupe666 said:
"In light of the numerous responses to the previous mass e-mail regarding pedestrian safety, this e-mail is being distributed to help clear up the questions concerning the pedestrian signals. (company name) Corporate Security and MODOT researched the pedestrian signals located at both ends of the (company name) overpass.
With our campus located on both sides of a major highway, many Company people must cross its outer roads on a daily basis. Employee safety is our number one priority and I want to take a minute to remind you to use the buttons at the traffic lights and to obey their signals.
The pedestrian signals have been designed to get you safely across the roadway. Here’s how they work:

1. The "Walk" command appears for approximately six seconds. This time may seem like a short amount of time but it is intended for people to begin crossing the roadway.
2. The "Don’t Walk" command will flash for approximately 10 seconds. This gives those who are in the crosswalk ample time to safely cross, however, for those approaching the roadway it is a signal that they should not follow anyone already crossing, they should then press the button and wait for the next "Walk" command.
3. The "Don’t Walk" command will then appear solid until traffic is stopped again and the process is repeated.

MODOT has recently posted educational signs at the lights to remind pedestrians of how the commands are intended to work. If they are not used as they were designed, their purpose has been defeated and accidents are likely to occur. The shuttle bus is available if you wish to avoid this situation. We are also asking drivers to exercise caution when approaching these intersections, but we know that many drivers are not company people and are not aware of the foot traffic in this area.
Regardless of how you arrive at and leave our campus, please be careful.
If anyone has further questions, feel free to contact X with (company name) Corporate Security at extension xxxxx."

This sounds alot like the company I work for.... They made us watch a video on "chair safety". In this video, we learn how to adjust chairs properly. Ummm..... because I guess we had no clue as to how to do it....
not near as cool as the pedestrian msg...

From: Konrad, Ward (CSO-C)
Sent: Friday, July 2, 2003 8:25
Subject: Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
I have downloaded Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 and placed it on COL3SH000002 under the IT Shares\Microsoft\Windows 2000 Service Packs directory. I installed it without any problems. Please install this on your systems and let me know if you run into any issues.
i think i just figured out what to pass out this labor day.

chocoprofylactics! so are they chocolate flavored or scented or what?

last yr in the holiday season, they gave us an extra vacation day as our year's bonus, which was cool- but 2 in the summer rules.