The Perfect X-mas Gift!

ThraxDude said:
Where did you get this great idea???

Don't forget, many people may also be missing Volume 8 since it wasn't available for so long. Or they may only have a shitty CDR made fromp mp3s. Get them the real thing!
Why don't you have Vol. 8 yet? I got it back in the day when it first came out. If you missed it before it was discontinued, you should have gone out and bought the re-issue as soon as it was released. :)
Today I went to my local record shop, and bought 4 copys of WCFYA and put them in the companys toys for underprivliged people Christmas thing. So at least 4 people will ge a cool present this year.
jdelpi said:
Where did you get this great idea???
I gave that special album to people for their birthdays. Now I'm giving it for Jesus' birthday.

Captian Falcone was an inspiration to this X-mas gift idea.
sick_sick_sicks said:
Today I went to my local record shop, and bought 4 copys of WCFYA and put them in the companys toys for underprivliged people Christmas thing. So at least 4 people will ge a cool present this year.
That is fucking beautiful, man.