The Person Above Me II

Nitronium Blood said:
^Should really put up a better image of the person in her avatar.

hehehehe, so what does it do to you which image I put in my avatar ? Just don't care and everything'll be fine! :heh:
^is probably a mindless mass of grass and mid-east air combined under post-nuclear conditions and given life by the cut-off left hand of the nephew of God, wandering around playing mindless non-mind not-even-tricks on anyone he not-quite-sees.

oh wait, wrong person

^^ is probably a mindless mass of grass and mid-east air combined under post-nuclear conditions and given life by the cut-off left hand of the nephew of God, wandering around playing mindless non-mind not-even-tricks on anyone he not-quite-sees. And is even trickier than I thought.
^^ should see the profile and posts by the user named Gaia ! (hopefully I am right and I understood that it was marduk's dog.. hahaha, if no then you can laugh at me :P)