The Person Above Me Thread

leprosy said:
^what school are you gonna go to?

I'm done with school, i'm moving back to spend another 4 months or so getting drunk with my friends. I went to UNC in Greeley. oh yeah...I'm gonna be finding a job somewhere while I'm at it...for next fall.
^ Is in Colorado now.

leprosy said:
^how old are you?
Probably old enough to be your father's younger brother. :lol:

The year you were born was the year I graduated high school :yuk: goddamn I'm old :erk:
^is wrong.

I'm in Montana student teaching right now.. I'm almost done. then I"ll be a substitute teacher..and make a few extra dollars before I move in and just kick it with some of my friends. (whom are all girls...cha-ching)
^ Nice person to chat with.