The Person Above Me Thread

haha, Thomas Thomas...the Great Thomas ;) He's a very nice... I mean NIIIIIIICE person, I still think he's the savior of the USA haha :lol: (with Yetti and MagSec4 - cant remember the rest of you americans sowwy :erk: )

Hey Thommy, good luck with Patty :p August will ROCK for you!! :headbang:
Haha, well Sami.... yeah, he's one tr00 rawker from Finland and will be so generous to host me for 2 weeks (he's really not aware of what did he agree to :lol: )
Lives in Espoo, near HelLsinki :p Oh, and his habit is to go out with 15 yrs old girls and give them candies u__u,, :lol:
Mein gott, what did I say :lol:
child_of_bodom666 is going to pour money into the tourist industry of Finland, which certainly isn't a bad thing!

Zsuzsa knows how to use smileys! She can't be stupid. (It was her candy dammit, not mine >_<)