The Person Above Me Thread

Yes, and you will have to go to confession. . .cuz you are gonna siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin. . .

holy fuck UM is slow. . .
StratoxDeath said:
Hahaha.. don't tell me that's some kind of slogan that they have. What was the other weird one? "Sushi, wine, and a cigar" ? Weird..

Yeah.. UM is fucked.
naaah i just made it up. . .

i hope they have real drinks, like jager and stuff. i have no idea, ill let you knwo in two weeks :p
StratoxDeath said:
Real drinks? What the hell else would they have? :lol:
.. don't get me thinking. :ill:
i dont know, i hope thye dnt just serve wine, we'll have to leave and go buy a bottle of jack and come back :lol:
StratoxDeath said:
Haha.. just wine. That'd be lame as hell. I don't know.. but getting drunk in a church sounds.. interesting :p
yeah i know. . .

maybe we can sneak away to a confessional botth for an hour. . .:OMG: :oops: :OMG: :OMG: :dopey: ;) :Spin: :loco: :p
StratoxDeath said:
wokka wokka!
.. I don't know what you're talking about. Considering that you say it a hell of a lot more than I do :p Hell, you even say it OFF of the computer "^_^"
kekekekekeekeke ^_^