The Person Above Me..

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^ I enjoy his posts. Very informative fellow.
^ Makes me LOL in the litteral sense of the term. Although mistaken in above statement, this dwarf of international reputation makes current user look forward for formal meeting in currently planned trip to Italy with above-mentionned girlfriend. And posseses nice avatar, but this to him should be of no surprise whatsoever.
^stopped the game ;)

Blue Moon said:
^ Makes me LOL in the litteral sense of the term. Although mistaken in above statement, this dwarf of international reputation makes current user look forward for formal meeting in currently planned trip to Italy with above-mentionned girlfriend. And posseses nice avatar, but this to him should be of no surprise whatsoever.
really? wow, i'm looking forward to meeting you two too (tchoo-tchoo! ahem... :p). just drop me a message a while before your trip and we'll think of something. :)
^ Sounds quite jealous to these tired eyes...

^^ Will probably regret above statement once he meets current user of Canadian lineage, along with USA's nicest femme fatale (of Greek descent, to make things worse). Would be considered wise to prepare for heavy drinking, french-canadian style. Philosophical rants and incoherent humorous blabber ahoy. Should be ready for ceaseless country-related interrogations, and would be wise to consider relocation as an escape :D
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