The Person Above You Thread

Writes a great online diary, is very old school (for a pipsqueek) :loco: Has a Jewfro that represents all that is Jew and Fro, recently met Nevermore, writes killer viking stories, and is one crazy metalhead!!!!
hrmm lets see....... has an insane mind............probably likes opeth(a good thing)...... probably likes testament as well(a VERY good thing).....and uhhhh posted right above me :grin: edit: and was the last reply on previous page
Deadly Embrace said:
A Polish Brother For Life..............!
Back to the thread....
Let's see....Stefek Smyth mean as fuck on the guitar in the sig photo,
a Paul Baloff Quote.....DE the living breathing Historian of Bay Area Metal,
practical honest and dead center opinions on music, A true diehard bay area guy. :worship:
Loves the humor about fookin Yngwie and DE unleashes the Fookin Fury
on little punkasses on the Exo-threads :worship:
Wrote the funniest Vio thread in here 'bout me. :rock:

I'd say Beers up to DE but I'm on the NyQuil Acid trip today.

Officer NyQuil. You Fear the Giant fucking Q.
^ lives in bay area - already 20 good points.
lovs good music - 10 good points.
posted awesome nevermore live pictures with Ms.Anthrope - 20 good points
also some pics from their rehearsal room - i'll give extra 5 for that
he is DA TL preacher - 10 points
he has cool posts in the Testament forum - 15 good points
he likes Testament - another 5 points
and last but not least: look at that great signature: he gets 10 for that

wow, i dont know Deadly Embrace so well, but he is 100 % ok to me :D


....What's with the altoids?
I didnt even notice them, did anyone else? :grin:
The nets- gotta love 'em. HL-yep-a metal hottie.:grin:
Hey, I wonder if there's any more like this....we could have a whole album:grin:

Officer NyQuil. The Giant Fucking Q is coming down to steal your mind.