The Person Above Me..

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^^ is of Asian descent

Steve said:
^a "whangdoodle", and hopefully nice enough to tell me what the hell this is :p
I don't know what that word means. Tell me as you're the one who's using it. :lol: You're teh hott.
^is desired by most (if not all?) men on this board

(a whangdoodle is, according to the Superior Person's Second Book of Words, "a mythical bird that grieves continuously")
Caelestia said:
@rahvin: thanks, even if i don't sometimes.
you don't what? want to see yourself?
look, at the faintest trace of self-deprecation on the part of beautiful people like you i let out shrill cries that shall break windows and glasses in your own home, so don't you dare! :p
that pic is cute. k? if you disagree i'm gonna ban you. finger's on the trigger for profanity tonight anyway, so you better beware. ;)
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