Wolfman Von Jones The trouble with you Dec 6, 2001 4,628 75 48 Chicago Visit site May 5, 2004 #1,681 ^Lives in a land with many interesting herps
MagSec4 .:..::.: :.::..:. Jan 14, 2003 5,107 99 48 42 Bogotá & New york www.ultimatemetal.com May 5, 2004 #1,682 Has given up on a European vacation
Human Desert Pirun Morsian Nov 28, 2002 5,163 81 48 Helsinki, Finland www.thalesband.com May 6, 2004 #1,685 ^ Lives in a country i don't like
O Onyx Member Apr 24, 2003 833 34 28 Saint-Petersburg May 6, 2004 #1,686 Has been the first person from here to say that. Well, there are some unpleasant things here, definitely.
Has been the first person from here to say that. Well, there are some unpleasant things here, definitely.
JackhammerRape Substatic Intensifier Jan 20, 2004 570 1 18 42 The Saxon plains of Englande old! www.chlorian.com May 6, 2004 #1,687 ^has sparkly shiny new avatar.... *gazes* weird...
Caelestia rawr Feb 8, 2003 6,279 628 113 43 svarga Visit site May 6, 2004 #1,688 ^ has an avatar that's matte and not new... *gazes anyway* not weird...
JackhammerRape Substatic Intensifier Jan 20, 2004 570 1 18 42 The Saxon plains of Englande old! www.chlorian.com May 6, 2004 #1,689 ^is a veritable comedienne
King Chaos Pomeo Osoponeor Mar 19, 2004 4,579 11 38 38 Chronosynclasticinfundibulum www.myspace.com May 6, 2004 #1,690 ^ Enjoys custard covered naked group rituals
Caelestia rawr Feb 8, 2003 6,279 628 113 43 svarga Visit site May 6, 2004 #1,691 ^ would too and has misspelled something in his sig.
King Chaos Pomeo Osoponeor Mar 19, 2004 4,579 11 38 38 Chronosynclasticinfundibulum www.myspace.com May 6, 2004 #1,692 ^^^ Makes me wonder what Ive spelt wrong
rahvin keeper of the flame Oct 10, 2001 17,571 245 63 47 safe but not far from the city May 6, 2004 #1,693 ^is let off the hook: "afraid" is spelled with one f too much.
King Chaos Pomeo Osoponeor Mar 19, 2004 4,579 11 38 38 Chronosynclasticinfundibulum www.myspace.com May 6, 2004 #1,694 rahvin said: ^is let off the hook: "afraid" is spelled with one f too much. Click to expand... (Thank you oh mighty one ... Ill probably change it anyway )
rahvin said: ^is let off the hook: "afraid" is spelled with one f too much. Click to expand... (Thank you oh mighty one ... Ill probably change it anyway )
Rusty A-HAHAHA! Sep 14, 2001 16,352 174 63 40 Nottingham May 6, 2004 #1,695 ^ should change it, to prevent my head from imploding... actually, in that case keep it.
Caelestia rawr Feb 8, 2003 6,279 628 113 43 svarga Visit site May 6, 2004 #1,697 ^ is a feminine beast.
O Onyx Member Apr 24, 2003 833 34 28 Saint-Petersburg May 6, 2004 #1,698 Is Caelestia...again. And again. And again. [originally for MagSec4, who deleted his post] Is a quick-witted and a bit arrogant.
Is Caelestia...again. And again. And again. [originally for MagSec4, who deleted his post] Is a quick-witted and a bit arrogant.
Kovenant84 T-369 days Jan 11, 2002 3,359 29 48 40 My kingdom, desolate Visit site May 6, 2004 #1,699 ^First nice, likeable russian I've ever met. ~Kov.
JackhammerRape Substatic Intensifier Jan 20, 2004 570 1 18 42 The Saxon plains of Englande old! www.chlorian.com May 6, 2004 #1,700 @ onyx ^ likes to roll her eyes @ kov: ^likes getting in the way, maybe i shoulda left it