The Phil Anselmo thread

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Guardian of Darkness said:
Discuss the bands rather than the guy, please. There's been plenty of Anselmo-flaming here over the last couple of months.

pantear: first nu metal band ever. well... maybe anthrax and megadeth have a part in that too. in any case, they suck.
genocide roach said:

pantear: first nu metal band ever. well... maybe anthrax and megadeth have a part in that too. in any case, they suck.

You're a fucking retard. Pantera may have made some pretty terrible groove/half-thash, but they were never mallcore. Anthrax? Doing two rap songs doesn't make you a mallcore band, plus, they never did anything resembling groove/half-thrash until mallcore had long before sprung up. And Megadeth? No comment. O.O
pantera's walk is on the same level as fuckin godsmack. and you cant say they didnt have more crap songs like that, cuz they most certainly did

anthrax mixed 2 things that should never be mixed, thus starting "metal" downward into shit.

they both contributed to crap bands like godsmack and crazy town
genocide roach said:
pantera's walk is on the same level as fuckin godsmack. and you cant say they didnt have more crap songs like that, cuz they most certainly did

anthrax mixed 2 things that should never be mixed, thus starting "metal" downward into shit.

they both contributed to crap bands like godsmack and crazy town

Anthrax did that for one JOKE song, and one COVER with the original rap group who performed it. Mind you, this is right after the release of Persistance Of Time, as just a bit of mindless fun.

Walk doesn't sound like mallcore to me, it sounds like a groove number riding an unfinished riff. It may sound mallcore at some points, but hell, I've heard worse.

You didn't say anything about Megadeth, faggot.

Anyway, easily the prize for proto-mallcore goes to Chaos A.D., even though Korn's selftitled abortion was released that year.
you didnt give me anything to comment on about megadeth "faggot"

megadeth/dave mustaine is nothing but a means to whine about stupid fuckin shit while playing halfed ass/boring riffs. can we say limp bizkit?
megadeth= teen angst of the early 90s
korn/limp bizkit= teen angst of the new millenium
genocide roach said:
megadeth/dave mustaine is nothing but a means to whine about stupid fuckin shit while playing halfed ass/boring riffs. can we say limp bizkit?
megadeth= teen angst of the early 90s
korn/limp bizkit= teen angst of the new millenium


So...Countdown To Extinction and Youthanasia were angsty teenage mallcore? Good one, sgt. dumbass.
also, i seriously doubt that anthrax song was a joke. shit, look at the crap they are writing now! surely you can atribute that rap bullshit to their commercial tendancies
Yeah, I'm sure that "I'm The Man" had everything to do with their early success, and not "Spreading The Disease" or "State Of Eurphoria". :rolleyes: I agree that Anthrax's recent music blows, but you were the one yammering on about proto-mallcore in the early 90's.
im just sayin that those bands were the foundation and inspiration of todays nu metal homosexuality
I dont have a huge problem with Down, but I don't really listen to them.

Pantera = not my style
Superjoint Ritual = one of the worst bands of all time.
Any "black metal" he's been involved in = nothing special, original, or good.
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