The Phil Anselmo thread

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Mr.Toby said:
Genocide roach, you are a fuckin weirdo. Pantera, not matter if they were partially responsible for some guys making shitty music, each and every member was fuckin insanely talented. I don't care what you say, Phil was, and fuckin still is, the best singer ever, followed very closely by Matt Barlow (in my opinion, at least).

Phil Anselmo is a shit singer. So is Matt Barlow. I don't know whether to laugh or vomit every time I hear that guy open his mouth.

The Grimace: Dime's solo in Walk DOES rip, along with every solo he's done on any album.

Dimebag leads started sucking after CFH. Vulgar Display is when he started going over the top with all that degenerate, pentatonic, bluesy crap. Mr. Toby you like Pantera therefore you need to GET THE FUCK OUT!!!
The Three Stooges said:
OMG PANTERA IS TEH R00L! You can't comprehend Phil's genius! LAWL GAY! Seriously, listen to that. "COME FROM THE DAAAWWWWN OF TOOOOIIIIIME!" or whatever the fuck he's saying. How can anyone tolerate that fucking stupidity? It's not melodic, but it's not artistically anti-melodic or whatever, because he's obviously TRYING to sing but failing. Anselmo sounds not like a singer or growler or any kind of vocalist, but like some degenerate caveman gruntingly demanding more nuts and berries from his tribe's women because he hasn't evolved enough to speak a real language.

And remember how amazing he was on "Cemetery Gates"? Urgh. What a terrible, terrible waste of a good voice.
Where did this nation of pantera fan boys crawl out from under? Pantera's good songs can be counted on one hand.

Pantera= Barely tolerable
Down= Cacophonius trite musical malarky
Superjoint Ritual- The horrendous sounds eminating from this band is unfathomable!
Mr.Toby said:
Genocide roach, you are a fuckin weirdo. Pantera, not matter if they were partially responsible for some guys making shitty music, each and every member was fuckin insanely talented. I don't care what you say, Phil was, and fuckin still is, the best singer ever, followed very closely by Matt Barlow (in my opinion, at least).

The Grimace: Dime's solo in Walk DOES rip, along with every solo he's done on any album.

Megadeth is awesome, I can see why people dislike them (people who can't get past the singing) but they are NOT fuckin nu-metal.

And to the guy who said "I'm The Man" ISN'T a joke, that is so wrong. Look at the lyrics dude, they have a guy fucking up and being hilarious every 20 seconds.


Sound serious? If so, imagine it in a hilarious voice, douche.
I love Matt Barlow's singing, certainly one of the 5 best American singers I've heard in the last 10-20 years. Of course I also love the singing by Manowar who have a great vocalist. I agree that Phil was a very good singer for Pantera, esspecially all the range he showed on CBFH.

I agree, no way can Megadeth be considered a cause or similiar band to nu-metal...not that they didn't sell out some.

I'm The Man, fucking great song by one of my favorite bands. I like all their albums from 84-04, they just write good songs. Surprising nobody brought up the Anthrax song Start'in up a Posse.
Phil is a bad singer, but i really like his voice. Im not going to say he is a good singer, because he is really bad, but its the uniquness that everyone likes.

Barlow is an excellent singer. I love his voice too, and he can sing.

Pantera released a lot of shit, but did have some decent albums. I have to say that i like down better though. SJR is generic bullshit though.
Phil was an AWESOME vocalist on Cowboys From Hell and Power Metal. He basically just killed his voice and now he sounds like shit. That's that.

Persistence Of Time > Pantera. ;)
Cythraul said:
Phil Anselmo is a shit singer. So is Matt Barlow. I don't know whether to laugh or vomit every time I hear that guy open his mouth.

Dimebag leads started sucking after CFH. Vulgar Display is when he started going over the top with all that degenerate, pentatonic, bluesy crap. Mr. Toby you like Pantera therefore you need to GET THE FUCK OUT!!!

You couldn't be more wrong. I'm going to forget most the stuff you said and ask why the fuck Matt Barlow isn't a fucking AWESOME singer? I think you'll find almost everybody in the world disagrees with you, shithead.
thespectralsorrows said:
I love Matt Barlow's singing, certainly one of the 5 best American singers I've heard in the last 10-20 years. Of course I also love the singing by Manowar who have a great vocalist. I agree that Phil was a very good singer for Pantera, esspecially all the range he showed on CBFH.

I agree, no way can Megadeth be considered a cause or similiar band to nu-metal...not that they didn't sell out some.

I'm The Man, fucking great song by one of my favorite bands. I like all their albums from 84-04, they just write good songs. Surprising nobody brought up the Anthrax song Start'in up a Posse.

I love you dude. You're like... one of the only guys on here who actually agreed with everything I said, you fuckin radster. :rock:

On another note, why do so many people hate fuckin Superjoint? It's some of the most simple music around, I know, but that doesn't mean it doesn't sound fuckin good!
Mr.Toby said:
On another note, why do so many people hate fuckin Superjoint? It's some of the most simple music around, I know, but that doesn't mean it doesn't sound fuckin good!

Yeah, Superjoint was good the first time around, when they were called that hardcore band of 16 year olds that practices at my storage place and listens to nothing but Buried Alive and old Hatebreed.


Mr.Toby said:
On another note, why do so many people hate fuckin Superjoint? It's some of the most simple music around, I know, but that doesn't mean it doesn't sound fuckin good!

the music is mediocre and very repetitive. Good for ten listens at best. I liked it for like a week tops. Good headbanging music, but thats pretty much it.
Mr.Toby said:
You couldn't be more wrong. I'm going to forget most the stuff you said and ask why the fuck Matt Barlow isn't a fucking AWESOME singer? I think you'll find almost everybody in the world disagrees with you, shithead.

I personally know loads of people that agree with me but what does that matter? That ain't gonna change my opinion either way. Now GET THE FUCK OUT!!!
Cythraul said:
I personally know loads of people that agree with me but what does that matter? That ain't gonna change my opinion either way. Now GET THE FUCK OUT!!!

Matt Barlow? Fuck that goofy fuck.
Cythraul, the whole "Get Out" thing is starting to give EVERYBODY the shits, fuckin shut up and come back to me when you're a rape victim.

Pyrus, that's the best thing I've ever seen you write.

He does get a little "sappy", but it fits the mood fuckin well.
Mr.Toby said:
Cythraul, the whole "Get Out" thing is starting to give EVERYBODY the shits, fuckin shut up and come back to me when you're a rape victim.

Get Out!!!
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