The pics thread

pretty good actually, almost lost my job a few months ago though on account of me being a dumbass and losing our photo departments camera for the pass ports and shit.

also you guys get the kiosk software update yet? MULTIPLE PASSPORTS IN ONE ORDER? BEST THING EVER.

how goes it for you?

I almost lost ours too before, but it turns out my boss was keeping it in the office and using it to snap pics for the DM :lol: It's been OK. I got called to the office the other day and told my hours were cut because "I don't work hard enough" and that others he hired (recently, mind you) are "outperforming" me. This pissed me off, but I know it's basically him just being hard on me so I'll work harder, even though I do my fair share of shit for them...oh well. It's only a temp cut and I could use some Thursday nights off anyway.

HAHA, sorry this became a rant. *shrug*

Some other shit:

-I have no fucking idea how to do a personal movie DVD at all. This woman came in today to do one and I had the directions and everything...I consider myself well-versed in technology and whatnot, but wtf I had no goddamn clue what was going on.
-My EXA is gay. It's amusing.
also you guys get the kiosk software update yet? MULTIPLE PASSPORTS IN ONE ORDER? BEST THING EVER.
Lucky bastard. As of two days ago (last time I did passports), I had to punch three separate orders in.

-My EXA is gay. It's amusing.
Mine is incompetent and a colossal bitch whom everyone in the entire store, including the other assistant managers and the store manager, dislike intensely. I'll take the gay.
We're on our third camera. First one was broken by someone else, I lost the second one, and I almost lost our current one. NOT FUN.

But yeah, the new software rules SO HARD.

My store doesn't have any EXAs actually, just 3 assistants.
Yeah, I've been with Walgreens since September '08. Good company, but them cutting hours during the holidays instead of the summer pisses me off.
To V5 and Mort: what are you guys making? I assume you're both photo. I'm currently training for photo (meaning I can do most photo stuff but haven't done the PPL or a few of the more advanced things yet), and am planning on asking for a raise once I'm certified. I'm wondering what I should ask for (currently making $8.25/hr).
I'm about 8.30 an hour or so.
Oh...after being there so long?
I was planning on asking for 9.25. I'm one of the better employees (the people who have been there a while are lazy as shit and the n00bs are worthless).

I have a friend that is the assistant mgr at a Walgreens. He makes pretty good money.

Yeah, they make a hell of a lot more. My favorite manager drives a badass car and orders out every night; I don't think this is terribly sensible, but obviously he can afford it.