Lance Lazer's SPAM thread - Take 4 minutes to listen to my band's new song!

The Amazer

Mar 31, 2003
So I know I don't post that often around here (read: at all, sorta don't do forums at all anymore, damn you Facebook statuses), so you probably think I'm a jerkoff for abusing my privilege by starting this thread!

I also know people hate these threads and it's a chore to spend 4 minutes listening to a song you don't really have the urge to hear.


My band PARTY are trying to "make it" and this is our new song. We think it's a hit. I think it's fucking great actually.

It's basically a song I wrote that had the vibe of that end-of-movie song at the prom when the two male and female lead best friends suddenly realise they're meant to be together when their eyes meet across the dance floor.

It is called Prom and it can be listened to here:

I don't mind if you don't reply to this thread or comment on the song or anything, I would just really appreciate it if you took the time to give it a listen. What have you got to lose?

Anyway, thanks for reading this and thanks to anyone who does listen to the song, I really appreciate it!

Cheers fellas.

PS: Feel free to leave reviews and listen to our other hit, California as well. It's a good'un.
I like it! Although I kinda feel like I was waiting for it to really amp up towards the end, but that might have been expectation from the band name (which I think is awesome, BTW) and reading the description. Sort of like it hit fourth gear, but it ran out of road before the final change up.

California's pretty good too. In fact, I'd almost go so far as to suggest I like it more than Prom.
Thanks fellas! Appreciated.

As long as they get stuck in ya head, I'm happy haha!

And trying to climb the charts on Unearthed, so it's a Triple J exclusive!
So, to SPAM some more! We're getting a buttload of hits, which is amazing! But we ALWAYS need more, so even if you've listened to it, WHY NOT LISTEN TO IT AGAIN! The link is up there on the page!

Plus, anyone who takes the time to sign up and write a review gets a free signed PARTY CD... free postage! Make me lose money! Why not? MIGHT BE A COLLECTOR'S ITEM ONE DAY!