The pics thread

It was my favorite skit. oh man. a few of them had me laughing absolutely hysterically. Darrel Hammond and Will Ferrel together were great
Speaking of old SNL, there's this old sketch that I can't seem to find on youtube, and if anyone knows where I can watch it online that's be great.

It's Steve Martin and Bill Murray. It starts out with Martin walking by, then looking into the camera and saying "What the hell is that thing?!? I've never seen anything like that! Hey, does anyone know what the hell that thing is?!?", after a minute or so of that, Bill Murray walks in the two of them stand there doing pretty much that same thing. "Hey, kids- don't touch that thing! We don't even know what it is!", etc.

I think I might be the only person ever who thinks it's funny, but hey.
Sporting my new Slayer shirt today...

Don't invert the photos, it makes you look like a dummeh who bought a backwards Slayer shirt.