The pics thread

well, mexicans tend to be the majority of hispanics here (or the ones that I have talked to here). So I assumed, since he is around so many hispanics, he would be around at least a considerable amount of Mexicans.
I got a new axe and amp today. Nothing too flash, but it does okay for what a complete n00b like me needs. I'm excited and expecting tremolo picking wankers cramp in a few days time :kickass:




Nice guitar Hubster. You might need new tuners, sometimes the less expensive guitars have a hard time staying in tune because they use cheaper parts but other than that it should serve you well if you take care of it. Just watch bumping it into stuff, it has a basswood body and it's a softer wood.
Thankyou :) I definitely need to keep these things in mind, given my n00bishness. Biggest thing I'm happy about is being able to practice with headphones plugged into my amp - no one can hear me play twinkle twinkle little star!
I just designed a logo for my friend's band that they're (hopefully) going to use. The band name is Eliminator, and they'll be recording a 4 track EP of well-played Thrash Metal in the vein of early Exodus, Megadeth, Exumer, Toxic Holocaust, and the like. The EP should be out in September, sporting art work by Ed Repka (and hopefully my logo).

I just started drawing it simply for fun early this morning because I didn't like the logo that they planned on using, so I showed it to him and touched it up and he said that he might use it, so then I really overhauled it and made it nice, and added a dew quirks here and there. I'm pretty proud of the way that it came out. It's definitely distinctively Thrash Metal.

I started out by drawing a very rough sketch of it, as you see here in the picture:


As you can see, at the time I didn't really have a concrete idea of what I wanted the logo to be. I was using pen due to laziness in trying to find a pencil, so by the time I got around to reworking the o for the third time, there was very little that I could do. I didn't use a ruler or anything, so it was rather piss poor, but it wasn't intended to be anything more than an idea.

I copied the image into paint and just traced it out and filled it in, then I put a white border around it so the logo was more clearly visible:


Then my friend wanted to see what it would look like as just the logo, so I wiped out the background and did some minor symmetrical tweaking:


Then I took a look at it and noticed that the t and the o were positioned rather poorly, so I moved them and changed the o because I wasn't happy with it to begin with:


After seeing this logo, my friend said that he might actually use it, so I put a couple of hours into it to really fine-tune and correct all of the symmetrical imbalances, clean up the edges, and generally make everything look neater. Then I added some more alterations. I completely redid the a and the o once again, and I significantly altered the r as well. Then my brother suggested that the line stemming from the E should come from the middle of the E rather than the bottom, which gave me the idea to add a few more quirks, so now I have two different versions to work with. I just need to work on making the a and o more proportional to the rest of the letters. All in all I'm very satisfied with this, considering that it just started as a doodle not intended to become anything.

