The pics thread


:kickass: I have yet to try Rising Moon, I'm STILL addicted to Sam Adams White Ale.
The guy on the far right is aware he looks like a mixture between a kiss member, a member of Fall out boy?

yeah, jordan does look like an emo. thats the longest his parents will let him grow his hair. his parents are crazy control freaks, and they go to new life church. so yeah, theyre not all there. he's a good drummer though.


Both suck in comparison to the one and only true metal animal: an albatross.

Those are beast.


Random picture of me.

You look younger than I thought you were/would.

yeah, jordan does look like an emo. thats the longest his parents will let him grow his hair. his parents are crazy control freaks, and they go to new life church. so yeah, theyre not all there. he's a good drummer though.


That's a dude?
Oops. *zips pants*
No, but really. Effeminate much?
Sucks about the parents.
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dude, GR. More black, less white corpse paint. and its not supposed to look all nice, its fucking black metal. shit should be dirty looking.
you look like avenged seven fold if they played black metal :lol:
about halfway through the session we smeared it gorgoroth style. looked better.

kinda hard to see though. also, its hard for me to use less white, since i have to cover my entire fucking head
about halfway through the session we smeared it gorgoroth style. looked better.

kinda hard to see though. also, its hard for me to use less white, since i have to cover my entire fucking head

Looks much better. But I maintain that that is a girl on the right.
My HSBM will slaughter your lard-ass NRABM.
And btw, Behemoth's first release was when Nergal was 16, iirc. So shut the fuck up.