The pics thread


So last night I went to Embrace The Hate Festival. It was 11 bands, but I only stuck around for the first 6...I mainly wanted to see Ares Kingdom...they fucking ripped it up! Here are some pics and a video

Ares Kingdom:
if you click this it should play a video. if not, the link to the video is underneath it

Video link




Some death metal band I didn't get the name of...they were fucking awesome though

Nuclear Desecration...these guys were pretty badass also:


Also, at one of the merch booths I picked up an old Brutality 7" and Xibalba's Ancients cd for $10 each
Last week our friend had a birthday. So my gf and I were wondering what we should give him as a present. Good thing we have golden brains.
We bought one cheap redneck bag and 2 rolls of toilet paper. We rolled some money (the main present) in one. And the second thing was completely unrolled and smeared by melt chocolate so the paper seemed used. It took us like an hour to prepare all this shit and we were doing it on the bus station early in the morning... I wish you could see people's eyes. Ladies with children were trying to keep their kids as far from as as it was possible.

When we were going to the place of meeting - we were carrying the bag with a half of paper taken out, so people could realize how sexy we looked with that thing.
Our friend enjoyed the present, (especially the main one for some reason).

Then we went to food store, and of course we made him carry that bag with the paper out, so he could look sexy too.

(Can't say he was really happy with that though)

In the food store there were these boxes where you can leave your stuff that you brought with you, and of course I left there our bag and made it look the best.

Actually that's where I almost wet my pants. You can see some random dude being incredibly happy. I bet he appraciated our bag next to his...

Then we went to some nice park for a picnic. There we met some group of drunk women who were like 35+ and presumably had no private life for the last 15 years.

They noticed our messing around with the paper and some of them came closer to ask what the hell were we doing. We said that we worship Satan.

From their eyes I understood that they've heard about Satan from tales for kids when they were like 4.
Then they asked why is this paper all covered with shit. I said that Satan wiped his hairy ass with that paper, so Satan's shit is like a gold to us, and started sucking and chewing on that paper.
I wish you could see their eyes...
Silently they came back to the rest of their friends and I heard them telling that we are fucked up bunch of freaks who worship used toilet paper. When we heard it - my gf and I started dancing around, throwing the paper up and covering each other with it.

The rest of the evening they were screaming out the word "satan" like once in every 5-10 minutes. I also found that this word cracks them up, and I assumed that they thought that Satan was one of the guys who were with us (well, to be honest - they had all reasons to thought like that, and for some reason I think that satan looks better than him).

So it was a good day, imo. Though, it ended up well not for all of us.

The End.