The pics thread

Killed tons of baby ones in Iraq,but it's nearly impossible to kill a full grown one, I've seen one elude about 20 people all trying to stomp on it. Too fast, and then it capped it off by running up one guys leg, running some laps around his body while people tried to hit it off, and then vaulted off the guys shoulder and got away.

I am pretty sure they don't have venom though so that pic of the bite is suspect.
Yeah, but the bites still hurt a shit load, and can cause infections.
It's like there are two scales here. You've got your general population scale, in which anyone posted here is probably 8.5 and up, and then a model scale, where you can be picky about boobs being too big or whatever, and give a girl a 5 even if you'd hit her in a second.
Pretty much.

I'm quoting this again because I'm a dick and want people to see it more.

It's now on top of two pages. Sitting there looking for its next victim.

Like my new sig?
Don't see why people should be afraid of pictures. However, if I saw that in real life I'd be freaked out.
Well, some people are generally afraid of spiders. And that is even worse. Hell I'm afraid of them. Actually, I bet I'm just doing this to make my fear less.
WeAreInFlames has earned the achievement: SWAP.AVI!

Be grateful those were just pictures. I've seen the movie :erk: