The Picture Thread

Eos said:
You know, I have this custom.. after every Finntroll gig I'm drinking finnish beer :grin:. Tho the guys had some of that german beer :ill:.

Nice pics! ;)
I'm just off to the city to get mine :) tho it'll take till Friday till I get The Crown and In Flames :(

hehe, german beer is dangerous ;) hm, I have some more as well but have to prepare them for the net, worked 4 hours on the first pics yesterday... but u know the work... :loco:

anyway wondering how this all looked like at the Summer Breeze :)
Summer Breeze part one is online feat. Amon Amarth, Disbelief, Farmer Boys, Graveworm, Heaven Shall Burn, Hypnos, Naglfar, Napalm Death, Subway To Sally and The Kovenant. I'm off to get The Crown and In Flames now and then the rest will follow :grin:
Copyright by ;)
hehe well the pic of the week isnt ready yet, just used the first pic I found just to see how it looks like so it happened to be my bf ;)

anyway the page isnt really ready yet, I could also use php and stuff but I dont know how to programm things so I better leave it to how it is for the moment... we'll see later on :)

uploaded the old vikings Amon Amarth now btw :)

toolsofthetrade said:
what sort of programming do u use, php?
btw, u got me mail there Shelley?
Yep, php is the chosen one :) I'm pretty tired of the html (a mess too). Also there will be one change to finally make it impossible to steal the pics :grin: (fuckers!!! :yell:)
An email?.. I'm affraid I didn't :( Where? When? Could be that it landed in the junk :( Can you send it again, plz? Thanks!