The picture thread

spot the terrorist:

from left to right:some chinese-indian guy:lol:,The Good Son,me,Ad Infinitum and George*makeing his chimp impression* :lol:

i guess the good son outfuns us all with the killer look:Spin:

*taken from Chania Rock festival,17/8/02*

sol83 said:
how many people slept in that house?!?!?!

that was heiko's house.from left to right.mehdi on the small sofa,duncan on the floor,giorgos in the green sleeping bag andalexandra in the blue the bottom of the picture you can see dannys hair and even further down,you...cant see Dwra sleeping in the kitchen:lol:
now upstairs:Mariner and D3vlin in sleeping-bags,mick on my full of holes-inflatable-matress,heiko and me.
so that makes......10 people in a house for 2???:lol: it was great tho.not for heiko tho,that had to clean it all up by himself and didnt let me do a thing to help:( :(
cedarbreed said:
waoh nice pics Sophia ! BTW, i added you to my contact list on MSN but I saw you've finally managed to post your pic :D

yeah,thank you very much anyway:)i found henrik yester morning and broke his balls for a couple of hours,cos i didnt understand anything.he was patient with me,he didnt even shout when i mixed up his directories:lol: :lol: im useless with pcs hahahaahhaha
thanks again.
which pics did you see?cos i was uploading pics all day yesterday*greedy*so there are quite a lot there:/