The picture thread

I just realized my desk is the messiest desk in the whole fokken world! :hypno:

Bambi said:
thats messy??
Indeed... My desk wasn't impressed at all *gg*.. Though it liked your The Haunted CD ;)
On my desk you can find at the moment: about 10 of my CDs, promo CDs I should send to various people, MD-Player, about 20MDs, an empty bottle of water and one of Coca-Cola light, a pig (not a real one ;) *gg) a finnish dictionarry, three finnish tourist guide (okok, one's only for Helsinki), a Finland "kartta", the last HAMMER, the collection of all the finnish Euro coins, a telephone, an Anathema-calender, a Metallica-picture-CD-clock, an Opeth promo pic, and Entwine promo pic, three packages of pics of some gigs, two hand cremes, a labello, documents I should have sent to my insurance long ago, a mini-ventilator, an Opeth sticker, some pens, a big Dark Tranquillity pic, sunglasses, my mobile phone,loads of pens, some toys from Kinder Surprise :grin: , a Hatesphere sticker, some promo stuff from Sudden Death, a Darkscene flyer ( ;) @Dragonlady), a toy from McDonald's, a few Diddle figures, a few catalogues about trips to Finland, a Nile sticker, two plastic bags, a little flower, a bottle of Isopropanol 70%, the photo-pass-sticker of the last Vader gig, my Notebook and my mouse.
People say (well, my mom *gg*) that somewhere below all this there used to be a desk :grin: :grin:
haha desk eh? here, eternity digipack, 3 diskettes, operation flashpoint (PCgame), few letters, a text i wrote (which is crap as usual), batteries, 3 spinners (new toy in chips-packages), english dictionary, MD player, photo-camera, tiny photoprinter, a blua and black pen, a screwdriver, 1 CDrom with useful software (office, publisher, windows), CDromspindle (empty ones)

and now i realise its a mess, im home from work thursday, ill give me room a go then....
pc monitor, printer, books on literatrure, philosophy, contemporaty essays, french, art history and other subjects, tons of papers, pencils/pens and all that writing stuff, house keys, an empty heineken can, an empty coca-cola plastic bottle, an empty bag of lays potato chips, a pair of glasses, the remote control for the cd/radio/vinyl player, mouse, keyboard, a huge english dictionary, sunday's newspaper... emm, that's all i guess. no cd's on me desk right now.

oh yeah, and a pair of drumsticks (no i don't play drums, i just have drumsticks cos they're fun).
desk eh? a pig cut in half, "Hot Chicks in Cairo" 1-3 videotapes, seven litres of tablet wine, a letter from my grandma reminding me that I left my inflatable mate at home, a nail file, three empty scumbags, my hunger, a USA flag, two pc-s, five frogs, and fifty bellydancers.
Eos said:
Indeed... My desk wasn't impressed at all *gg*.. Though it liked your The Haunted CD ;)
On my desk you can find at the moment: about 10 of my CDs, promo CDs I should send to various people, MD-Player, about 20MDs, an empty bottle of water and one of Coca-Cola light, a pig (not a real one ;) *gg) a finnish dictionarry, three finnish tourist guide (okok, one's only for Helsinki), a Finland "kartta", the last HAMMER, the collection of all the finnish Euro coins, a telephone, an Anathema-calender, a Metallica-picture-CD-clock, an Opeth promo pic, and Entwine promo pic, three packages of pics of some gigs, two hand cremes, a labello, documents I should have sent to my insurance long ago, a mini-ventilator, an Opeth sticker, some pens, a big Dark Tranquillity pic, sunglasses, my mobile phone,loads of pens, some toys from Kinder Surprise :grin: , a Hatesphere sticker, some promo stuff from Sudden Death, a Darkscene flyer ( ;) @Dragonlady), a toy from McDonald's, a few Diddle figures, a few catalogues about trips to Finland, a Nile sticker, two plastic bags, a little flower, a bottle of Isopropanol 70%, the photo-pass-sticker of the last Vader gig, my Notebook and my mouse.
People say (well, my mom *gg*) that somewhere below all this there used to be a desk :grin: :grin:

Your mom's probably right win..even though this is the tidiest my desk ever got! :Smug:

Say, no one's interested in my underwear anymore? :grin: