The Plight of a Metalhead Part I


Skeletor Goes to Mars
Jan 30, 2005
There is a chance I may be attending PPUSA this year after all.

Thanks to Biggs I may very well have the opportunity to go. I plan on being there for all four nights if at all possible.

Right now is a tough time for me. I have less than $20 to my name, left my job at FYE where there were a number of things going wrong, and am currently unemployed.

I have yet to get ahold of tickets for Wed night and the Hellish Rock show.

I am going to take this week to bust my ass and get as much money up as possible to make this trip happen for me. For that reason, I may notify this board of Ebay auctions or items I have for sale (of course, with Glenn's approval to do so). Those would mainly consist of old clothes, CDs, drum equipment, and video games. I know many of you are also in a tough spot financially. For those of you who are able to and would like to help me out with this it is much appreciated.

I'll post another update soon.

Oh, and if I do make it, we're definitely doing a large-scale sweet mills video.

- Michael
My situation's a bit different, but I do know what you're going through as money gets tight...I hope that at the very least you get to come on Friday and Saturday and that you find a good job soon (ever thought about waiting tables?...that's what I did).
My situation's a bit different, but I do know what you're going through as money gets tight...I hope that at the very least you get to come on Friday and Saturday and that you find a good job soon (ever thought about waiting tables?...that's what I did).

Can't say that I exactly have the looks or people skills to wait tables.
You need to combine all auctions, etc into a single post and put it over in the Lounge please.


Will do when I can. I even have about six Hawaiian style casual shirts to get rid of. I think I'll call that the "Special Auction of Glenn-like Clothing".
Hey - I have a dang good job but with several things that have happened this year I am considering donating plasma once or twice before leaving just to have beer money for the airport bars - those things are expensive. One more thing to consider while you are scrounging for moolah - think it's about $30 a pop - and I believe they give you orange juice :)
Hey - I have a dang good job but with several things that have happened this year I am considering donating plasma once or twice before leaving just to have beer money for the airport bars - those things are expensive. One more thing to consider while you are scrounging for moolah - think it's about $30 a pop - and I believe they give you orange juice :)

Sell your blood? That sounds... metal. :rock:
haha - nice - why didn't i think of this earlier??

i'd offer to buy some blood from ya, but i seem to be lacking in authorized collection equipment ;)

good luck w/ the fund-raising bro.
Maybe you should consider growing up and not go to the show. I can't understand how one can quit a job without having another one lined up. No wonder our country is going down the drain. And before I get blasted for this post; yes I love metal just as much as anyone here trust me. But if you don't have the money then you shouldn't be attending a show. And selling off your belongings on ebay does not count as having the money.
Maybe you should consider growing up and not go to the show. I can't understand how one can quit a job without having another one lined up. No wonder our country is going down the drain. And before I get blasted for this post; yes I love metal just as much as anyone here trust me. But if you don't have the money then you shouldn't be attending a show. And selling off your belongings on ebay does not count as having the money.

I fail to see how someone else's financial situation or decisions concern you in the least. Maybe you should consider growing up and not shooting off your mouth over the internet at people to whom you may not be aware fully of their current status. Some people value money less than you. It's not a crime, it's simply different priorities.
Maybe you should consider growing up and not go to the show. I can't understand how one can quit a job without having another one lined up. No wonder our country is going down the drain. And before I get blasted for this post; yes I love metal just as much as anyone here trust me. But if you don't have the money then you shouldn't be attending a show. And selling off your belongings on ebay does not count as having the money.

I fail to see where wanting to go to PPUSA has anything to do with growing up. I was not planning on attending the show until a friend of mine offered me tickets.

How can one quit a job without having another one lined up? When you get a raise to $6.75 / hr working at an "urban" CD store the same month that minimum goes up to $6.55 / hr, new hires are starting out with $7.50 / hr, and upper management refuses to give you more than $6.75 / hr it's pretty damned easy to leave. Top that with an assistant manager who's really letting the store go down the drain and has ran off other good employees then anyone with sense would be gone.

I assure you the country isn't going down the drain because of me quitting my job and continuing to live under my parent's roof. If you want to know the real reasons the country is going down the drain you can start by taking a look at gas prices (especially when we purchased a piece of land named Alaska years ago so we could have our own oil but we aren't using that oil), overseas wars that we're doomed to lose, a constantly inflating economy due to the Federal Reserve (which is an unconstitutional banking system), and taxes such as the income tax which are unconstitutional in the first place (along with the unconstitutional IRS to keep it in check).

So yes, I'm still living with my parents and have never been in a financially sound situation, not even when the economy was better and I worked a job that made $11 / hour. I have a number of things that I no longer need in my possession and if selling them to help afford gas money to PPUSA is a sin then I guess I'll see a couple of other people on this board in hell. Remember that we are a consumer based economy - the more we buy and sell the better off the economy is supposed to be. In a time of economic crisis I don't believe that being a pack-rat would help anyone out.
I've had around thirty jobs. Until I graduate college and get my gig in the music industry everything else is just to get by. Even though I've had this many shitty jobs (which range from dishwasher, fast food, bouncer, escort driver, book keeper for poker games, barback, floor tiling, painting, retail, grill cook in a fancy ass Mexican food joint, to day labor and donating plasma) but I never got fired for being late, or for doing the job poorly. I would always get into it with a boss because they talked to me like I was an idiot or would try and screw me out of my money. Learn what you like and don't like. I know I can go out and cut my hair, get a job at a call center, wear a monkey suit to work and sit in a cubicle hating life for fifteen an hour, but fuck that. I barback now in a band shirt and jeans, don't cut my hair, and listen to my Ipod most of the night. That's for 5.50. Then since I work on weekends for that job, tips come out to 80 - a bill Fri and Sat. I'm there from 9 Pm - 4 Am, seven hours at 5.50 is what. Like a bit over 43 or something? Throw on say eighty bucks tip, that's around 17 an hour. Hey man, that's good considering like I said, no uniform, listen to music, and watch slootas dance. Then the actual work is stocking beer, cleaning glasses, and picking up shit. If someone doesn't get out of my way I push em the hell out. The tips come out of a percentage of sales so that means I don't have to insert the customers balls in my mouth every time in hopes they'll tip me fat. Beats construction.

Overly long post aside, it'd be cool if you made it.