The Prisoner is on DVD!!!


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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That's right folks, all 17 episodes of the TV series that inspired the classic Maiden song are being released in a 5 DVD box set this July. Yay!

For those of you who haven't seen Bruce and H's favourite show, I can tell you that it's utterly brilliant, in a way that few genre/sci-fi programmes have been before or since.

All the info you need is at:

I am not a number, I am a free man! :headbang:

I was really interested in seeing that. Then I found out what the big twist was in the last episode and now I've lost alot of interest because the surprise element is gone.
Ive never seen it, is it worth buying?

All I know is what The Simpsons taught me :D
Spawn, the whole series is absolutely mucking farvellous! If you have Foxtel, it's probably on TV1, UKTV or one of those channels occasionally.

Troops, it's worth watching even if you know the twist at the end. Unlike a lot of shows (*cough* X-Files *cough*) it didn't hang around long enough to overstay its welcome and so is still fresh.

Never seen "The Prisoner" on Foxtel - maybe Optus? Or maybe no cable at all in Australia :(

Might have to have a wee look on the net and do some investigating...
On a more exciting note, when I go back to England next week I'm going to buy... wait for it... The Transformers on DVD! Entire first series on two discs, AND the movie! Of course, I should probably check to see if they're available in Australia first so I can get them for half the price here, but if they're not, then I'm just going to have to fork out my hard earned for them.

They also have a box set of all four series of Blackadder, but it might be cheaper to just buy them all separately here.
Originally posted by Spiff
On a more exciting note, when I go back to England next week I'm going to buy... wait for it... The Transformers on DVD! Entire first series on two discs, AND the movie! Of course, I should probably check to see if they're available in Australia first so I can get them for half the price here, but if they're not, then I'm just going to have to fork out my hard earned for them.

That Transformers movie was a defining moment of my childhood, its great! :headbang:
Well I've ordered it now. There goes my tax refund before it's even arrived :rolleyes:.

Troops, I've heard the videos are very heavily edited. These are the same versions they used to show on Galaxy when they put on a double episode "omnibus" without enough time to do it properly. The DVDs are all complete as far as I know, with a bonus alternate take of one episode and a heap of behind the scenes stuff.

Oh, and the Transformers movie kicks some serious posterior. I like the live action Masters of the Universe from 1987 better though :).