The ProgPower Flu XIII - who has it?

What you two need is a nice vacation. After all you two have done and been through, you two deserve it. :)

Aww, thank you!! But unfortunately, it was back to the real-world for both of us today. We both had to report to the hospital bright and early at 7:30am.

I don't think this counts but i just got out of the hospital this morning i went in a few hours ago with extreme stomach pains, turns out i had a kidney stone. When ever they they told me what it was i said "Are you Kidney?" budump tisss
Damnit all to hell..I was good until yesterday and then it hit me, I think I jinxed myself...I took mass vitamins and Airborne all week too to try and not get sick!!! Hopefully it is minor and I can push it out! So far I have been fighting off a sore throat and coughing today!! The Plague strikes again!!!

Damnit all to hell..I was good until yesterday and then it hit me, I think I jinxed myself...I took mass vitamins and Airborne all week too to try and not get sick!!! Hopefully it is minor and I can push it out! So far I have been fighting off a sore throat and coughing today!! The Plague strikes again!!!


Did I mention that you should keep your tongue in your mouth :p
I'd avoided the plague the past two years, but I think my luck has run out. I knew it was a bad idea to snuggle with Matt Vicente :)

If Matt was Patient Zero, then his roomies would have come down with it too (because we were most assuredly snuggling with him too!), and none of us are sick.

So who ELSE were you snuggling with this weekend, hmmm? :Smokedev:
If Matt was Patient Zero, then his roomies would have come down with it too (because we were most assuredly snuggling with him too!), and none of us are sick.

So who ELSE were you snuggling with this weekend, hmmm? :Smokedev:

Well, I did bum a pinch of snuff off the bass player from Solution .45...
If Matt was Patient Zero, then his roomies would have come down with it too (because we were most assuredly snuggling with him too!), and none of us are sick.

So who ELSE were you snuggling with this weekend, hmmm? :Smokedev:

thank you Jaime!! Now off to my NyQuil coma I go :zzz:
I have had it a couple of times before. But I had been lucky the last 2 years. Not this time. I was fine driving home Sunday, but by Monday evening I had the aches and slight fever with the coughing and sneezing to go with it. Ended up having to call in sick on Tuesday. I am starting to get over it now, but still have a bit of a sore throat.

Completely my mistake for forgetting about fighting it while in Atlanta. Having been fine for a couple of years, I just forgot to try to keep my immune system built up. Will not make that mistake again when next year rolls around.
I was feeling sick friday night and woke up saturday feeling awful. been sick ever since :( sucked i couldnt party on Saturday night with my friends