The ramen dinner of the gods (featuring my favorite winter brew)


poser, not guitarist
Aug 19, 2002
Philadelphia, PA






This particular ramen, Shin Rameun (Korean spelling is "rameun", apparently), is very hot and spicy - unusually so and I like hot foods - and has a delicious flavor. I'll never eat Top Ramen again.

V Ten is a seasonal beer from Victory brewery (Pennsylvanian and excellent) and it's won me over as being my favorite winter beer. It's fruity and champagne-y, not unlike a lambic, but also has a hint of hoppiness as well. It's also 10% alcohol so it's very, um, effective. Godly beer.
You inspired me! to make some ramen-type soup. It's the Cup Noodles kind that is already in a styrofoam cup and you just add water, which is better for me because I don't have a good container for making regular ramen in anyway. Chicken vegetable flavour. Not bad at all.

Hmm... I'll have to look into that. I'm not too familiar with the downtown area yet, as U. of R. is located in the west end suburbs, but I'm sure I can find it without too much trouble.
It's a shame that in my whole life of living in VA I had been to Richmond like maybe twice ever before going to college. I am so stupid when it comes to where things are around here, so all the out of state people think I can give them directions when in truth I am clueless.
The one you found seems to be all the way out in the east side of the city, so it wouldn't be all that close to VCU. If it is in "the Fan" then I think it's Aladdin Express on Broad Street.
Yeah, that sucks royally. I used to love that exposed me to many new and good bands. But about the time they started making me do that whole registration thing (which I've had to do again on the same computer, as if it can't remember me from the last time) it fell from grace in my eyes.