the random item of the day!!!

for sure!!!!
i called the local video store to see if they had Return to Oz..
but nope!! seems they sold their copy a while ago ... :cry:

there's more to search at though, one of the numerous blockbusters may have one
alrighty, i'm really going now....ya'll have a great friday night!!!!!:rock: HHHHEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLL YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
haha, yeah i slept late too. i had planned on getting up early, about 7ish, and was even dreaming about getting up at seven, then i woke up and it was ten....guess that's not too late though, that's usually when i get up during the week....still itchy?:heh:
i thought i was going to get to sleep right when i said i was going to last night, but for some reason stayed up until 4:30... then i woke up at 9, realized that I'd feel way too tired if I stayed up, so went back to sleep, then suddenly it was 1:30, ha.

eh.. not as itchy, first thing i did when i woke up was went and washed my hands yet again, lol.. still a little prickly in spots, but only noticeable like if i rub my hands together.

but I don't care, all part of the adventure of exploring! the price i have to pay :lol:

darn fiberglass!
haaahaha! that's what you get for being adventurous!!:heh:....i hate being itchy.. uuggghhhh.....fiber glass, sticky burr things...oooo they make me shudder
I could never give up my exploring, I get bored unless I'm always finding cool new places, lol

but ichiness...
yeah I hate it all! ughhh

when i went out west 2 years ago, and slept in Kansas cornfields, I noticed the Burrs they have growing there are twice as large and way sharper than the mild soft burrs we have here. Ow! they don't come out easily when you step on them.

poison ivy sucks too.
ooo, when i get stuck by even just one burr, i get chill bumps and turn red and just feel...itchy, it's bad hahaa. i used to go "exploring" all the time, before the 4 acre pasture and woods that were behind my grandma's house were demolished to build a neighborhood on. it was so cool, lots of trees, two ponds, found a turtle once, never got into any poison ivy though(that i know of)
those midwest burrs are just evil. I kept finding them stuck to my things even a few months after I returned home. lol...

i was worried I would drop one, and it would breed with the burrs here, and create an evil cross breed.. like arachnophobia, only burrs.. instead of spiders...
and that whole thing thats going on.. development.. destroying wonderful land, with ugly neighborhoods of houses that all look the same.. I hate it! :waah:
yeah.....that land had actually belonged to my grandma before a loan company tampered with the contract and her asshole attorney nephew screwed her out of the land so it could be sold and developed, complicated situation, ugghhh...funny, that company is involved in a class action lawsuit now, now, there's a wooden fence not even ten feet away from the side of her house, with lots of those ugly cheap houses behind it...