the random item of the day!!!

lizard said:
I don't know, man....I'm halfway tempted to try some of that beef flavored toothpaste.
hey guess what I get to participate in! yippee!

Subject: Weapons of Mass Destruction Exercise Saturday, April 12, 2003
DSCC Emergency Services Directorate will host, and participate in, a mutual Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) exercise with the City of Whitehall, the 52nd WMD CST, Franklin County Emergency Medical Assistance and other community responders, this Saturday, April 12th, starting at 0730. The EXERCISE location will be the North end of Bldg 12. There will be a lot of emergency vehicle traffic, community emergency responders in full gear, mock victims being transported to local hospitals for simulated treatment, and possibly local TV stations filming for the evening news.
It's probably meant to give the children hope, they they did in the 1950s... like a classroom desk would stop a nuke.. :grin:
yeah. perhaps it needs a better title ...

Subject: Weapons of Fairly Minimal Destruction Exercise Saturday, April 12, 2003