The Reckoning On Headbangers' Ball

Yeah, I saw it on Saturday night, too. I was quite surprised to hear the opening bars, and there it was. Plain old, low-finance video. But there again, I really wouldn't have expected much more than that from Jon. He's a businessman; he knows the band pays for promo videos, not the record label, and when funds are low, they are better spent elsewhere than on a video that gets few showings. Maiden were the same way well into their careers. Fancy videos for most metal bands are a waste of money. Do you remember the video for, "The Trooper"?

Perhaps what annoys me most is the sheer lack of information coming from the official source, IE itself. No postings on the site about the development of the video, no calls to the fans to e-mail requests to MTV2 to play it, no download available, no regular e-mail newsletter to the fans to tell them what's up, nothing on the Band Board on the official site. I mean, this is taking the term "avoiding the mainstream" to extremes, when a band doesn't even advertize or promote itself within the genre, or even to its own fans, let alone the general market. I still don't understand why the official site doesn't have its own BB - I really have trouble believing that Jon is that thin-skinned that he can't host a dialogue forum for his own fans! Heck, even Dave Mustaine participates and posts in HIS site's BB! I always thought, and still do, that Mustaine's efforts to connect with the fans is/was the best example of using the power of the Internet - so very few bands realize the potential for it that it's scary. For such a self-professed businessman, Jon is woefully inadequate to the task of capitalizing on such an inexpensive medium for promotion. Whoever is coordinating his marketing and promotion campaigns should be fired - and if it's Jon, for the love of your new album - which I think is terrific - find someone who knows what s/he is doing. There are so many bands that are doing it right - how come IE is doing it all wrong?

OK, rant over. I just had to get that off my chest.

[...because God knows that Jon will never read it here - I beginning to suspect he doesn't have a clue when it comes to the online world, y'know, that new-fangled thingamajig with the flashy lights and them thar frisky virus-dodads....]

I use DC and am on these hubs often...and I have the video along with a few others. Also, if you use an IM service, I could also IM it to you.