The Red Sox Suck

not really.

but they have to win four more games to erase THE CURSE OF THE BAMBINO

Q: In the next game will Curt Schilling have blood seeping out his sock again?

Q: When will Johnny Damon cut his hair?

Q: Is there a more annoying baseball guy than Tim McCarver?

Q: Why am I posting these inane questions and when will my coffee be not hot enough to drink?
A: Yes
2: Damon's has good ribs
C: Tim McCarver is awesome. He pulls out some of the most obvious lines in baseball. He's kind of like the Jon Madden of Baseball.
#: My coffee was damn cold this morning. Stupid gas station coffee. And it's foggy outside.
is tim mccarver the red sox manager? because i was watching the red sox manager do post-game wrap-up two days ago and he was saying literally the most obvious and stupid things i have ever heard a commentator say.

"Well, we played, and we beat the Yankees. We hit the ball and they didn't catch it." stuff like that.
one of my friends noted that, with a few rainouts, Massachusetts could be playing Texas ON election day!

which would be a little cool in one way, but horribly awful in the way it will annihilate voter turnout. Although since I bet the majority of SPORTS fans are Bush voters, maybe it will help Kerry!
joe buck is definitely annoying. his dad was good- genuine. but joe is just a car salesman.

and i'm surprised the cardinals won last night. i was out in the DC/Baltimore area the past few days and you'd think there was no such thing as a National League Championship series. then i came back here and everything's RED and GO CARDS.
yes, pics!

and here's the best thing about the Red Sox victory:

Pedro and his midget!