The Return Of The Adventures of Codi And Gonzo

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i'd be pissed if this wasn't so cute...

look at you trying so hard... it's absolutely precious!
And I give a fuck why? Ask her who she meant, don't put your words in her mouth? (That's the only thing you'd ever get in her mouth, well... that's not true... maybe a little vomit if she ever saw you in real life)
she was talking about you to jackass.. mainly you actually.

And I give a fuck why? Ask her who she meant, don't put your words in her mouth? (That's the only thing you'd ever get in her mouth, well... that's not true... maybe a little vomit if she ever saw you in real life)

BOTH of you SHUT UP already.

...before I have to come over there, then you'll be really sorry.
Grow up you fucking baby.



The character personality depicted in this cartoon picture is in no way related to the personality of the person it depicts.. I say to this person, do not get offended by what you are about to view for it is 100% fabrication and means no offense to you personally.

oooh lay it on me :blush:
flirting with internet girls ftl... and for fat guys too.

2 hours to buffer a 9 minute video? :(
It can happen, some people have shitty internet :erk:
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