The Return Of The Adventures of Codi And Gonzo

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This fourth episode is the best one so far... The script is really great and i think it's quite funny...

Also, the animation is getting better and better with each episode, so that leads me to think that the Fifth Chapter will be even greater.

But to sum all this in one phrase, it would obviously be: THIS CARTOON RAWK BALLZ!!
one question: who the fuck is war_blade and why am i associated with him?

other than that carry on.
I re-wrote that part dude.... Codi sent it to me and what he had sucked dick so I changed it all and made it funny with a punchline.. I added the shitting myself part... and the "flame" joke. So myeh. I don't really give a shit to be honest. :lol: And really I didn't like any of it, the Salsa song was entertaining but it went on for too long imo and got annoying.
Ja. Don't make me laugh... all that was 100% my idea... i'm not arguing anymore since this isn't a real discussion, it's word against word, so it's futile.

You want to think you wrote it? Go ahead... have fun! :)
:lol: I don't care cuz I know I wrote it in 2 seconds on MSN and it still was stupid but much more funnier than what was originally there. You two can deny it all you want I really don't give a fuck. I can smile at the fact that the only mildly funny thing was written by me.
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