Greetings, all! Welcome to our first shameless plug in a while. Look for more in the future - at least until Harv tells me to knock it off!
You can pre-order the new Division CD, "Control Issues", here for the low price of $11 shipped to the USA, or $14 shipped anywhere else. (Word of warning: CD cover may be slightly work-unsafe, depending upon how hard-ass your office is.)
Also, we're playing with HammerFall at Jaxx in NoVA on March 5th. As usual, we're selling tickets, so if any locals want to come, there are tickets and ticket/preorder packages available here. There's a lot of other shows coming up, since we have a large pile of CDs to sell.
Here's hoping you enjoy it - you can listen before buying here, here, or here.
You can pre-order the new Division CD, "Control Issues", here for the low price of $11 shipped to the USA, or $14 shipped anywhere else. (Word of warning: CD cover may be slightly work-unsafe, depending upon how hard-ass your office is.)
Also, we're playing with HammerFall at Jaxx in NoVA on March 5th. As usual, we're selling tickets, so if any locals want to come, there are tickets and ticket/preorder packages available here. There's a lot of other shows coming up, since we have a large pile of CDs to sell.

Here's hoping you enjoy it - you can listen before buying here, here, or here.