i've always been a religious skeptic... or as Dawkins himself claims to be, a T.A.P. agnostic... this in not wishy-washy, fence-sitting, P.A.P. agnosticism. anyone who's read TGD knows what i'm talking about, and since you guys all seem to have done so, i'll forego explanation of those terms.
in any event, whether or not there is a "god" entity, the "Holy Bible" is a crock of shite.
Christianity itself is a joke.... as Bart Ehrman posited; how did the religion of Jesus (what he actually practiced & taught), which was Jewish Law as the only way to salvation and the key to entering "the kingdom"(meaning god's kingdom on earth) as a restored corporeal being... an event that was, according to Jesus himself, imminent within the lifetime of most of those who were present at his sermons... become the religion about Jesus, an anti-semetic, misogynistic, Jewish-law-refuting sub-cult of Judaism that teaches that the resurrection will be spiritual; a disembodied ascension into some non-earthly, "heavenly" realm?
with an awful lot of creativity, that's how. not surprising really, since that's how the earlier iteration of the bible, the Old Testament (and thus Judaism itself), was evolved as well.