The Richard Dawkins...

they are equally good books, that cover a lot of different ground, so it's pointless to rate them against each other.
I loved The God Delusion, I'm going to check out his new book as soon as I get a chance.

And to the OP, I'm jealous!!
i will read it someday... after finishing everything irvine welsh ever wrote.
I'll admit .. i'm a sucker for pulp fiction
although recently ive been reading 'bad sciece' by Ben Goldacre. ace book
I've never read Hitchen's book, but he is a humorless douche. He just seems very unlikable as a person.

I tend to agree to this. Dawkins comes off as brilliant, Hitchens comes off as an asshole. This isn't to say that his arguments aren't valid, I would just rather read/watch Dawkins over Hitchens.
I've never read Hitchen's book, but he is a humorless douche. He just seems very unlikable as a person.

Humorless? Say what you want about him being totally off-key with some things (neocons, TWAT, et cetera), he's a brutally hilarious iconoclast who's just too easy to misread.

I've been really busy lately and kind of forgot I posted this, so when I saw the picture again I was like, "holy shit I actually met that fucker?!" Yea I'm a nerd.

Anyway, the Atheist stuff is all good and well, Of all mentioned books I've only read The God Delusion, which I enjoyed, but Dawkins really shines when he writes about Evolution. I was immensely inspired by The Blind Watchmaker, and just picked up The Greatest Show On Earth. An Atheist reading a book about Atheism is kinda, "meh". Not much to learn there.

Yes, I'm drunk. So what?
two other books i've read recently that may interest Dawkins fans:

"God Is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" by Christopher Hitchens

Amazing book. Loved it.

For the not faint-of-stomach,
[ame=""]Infidel[/ame] by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She has to be one of the bravest women on the planet.
I worship Hitchens. I have a little shrine of him, crossed with an elephant and having twelve arms or some shit like that.

Another one I can recommend: Atheist Spirituality; by Andre Comte-Sponville. He's French, but don't hold that against him.
^ yeah, thats him. :Smug:

How one can not find Christopher Hitchens funny is well beyond me. Every interview and book/column I have read by him has made me laugh out loud. Without fail.
An interesting question i was discussing with some people at uni a few days back:

If evidence for the existence of god, and i mean god as in the Christian god, was discovered and it appeared to be in some way legitimate, do you think Richard Dawkins would be prepared to listen to it and accept it? Or would he react just like the creationists react to science (either "la la la la i can't hear you" or "it's wrong, fundamentally flawed and EVIL"?

Dawkins seems to me to be a bit of a fundamentalist, fuelled not just by the wish to bring truth to other people (sound familiar) but also by a deeper emotional problem with religion that is in no way based in the world of reason he loves so much.

Not to say he's not a great thinker in his own way ofc, and his books contain a lot of interesting information and arguments, but perhaps a few too many "reactionary potshots" as was mentioned earlier