The Ritual & Low

Apr 3, 2005
These two Testament album are never mentioned anywhere. I've listened to atleast half of each album, and so far they're both pretty good. The way no one ever talks about them makes them sound like doo. Sure Skol wasn't on either of them, but they're still good IMO.
Those two albums are very underrated. The Ritual seemed to be a reaction to the Black album, but it's heavy as hell at times. "So Many Lies" and "Electric Crown" are just awesome.

As for Low, that's my second favourite Testament album, right behind The Gathering. It's a solid album from start to finish. James Murphy was a worthy replacement of Skolnick.
I prefer The Ritual, Electric Crown and Let Go Of My World kick ass. Low is pretty good until Chuck starts going into his death vocals. I can't stand that shit. That's the reason why I don't listen to The Gathering as much as I'd like to. The music is excellent, but death vocals fucking suck.
The Ritual is the worst Testament album they have ever made. They tried to go comercial with it, tried to go black album metallica with it but it didn't work. There are a select few decent riffs on there. But for the most part its a watered down version of Testament. I love LOW. James Murphey is one of my favorite guitar players of all time. His solos are magical.
ironmaidenfan09 said:
The Ritual is the worst Testament album they have ever made. They tried to go comercial with it, tried to go black album metallica with it but it didn't work. There are a select few decent riffs on there. But for the most part its a watered down version of Testament. I love LOW. James Murphey is one of my favorite guitar players of all time. His solos are magical.

I agree, although The Ritual from what I've heard is a little better then you say. I have only heard a little bit of Low so I can't really post my opinion.
well, I do like "the ritual" a lot; it`s not as heavy as the previous one, but it`s still Testament....I`m in debt with Low `coz I havent listened to it yet, in fact, it`s the next Testament album I may get. If it`s in the veins of the Gathering I`m sure I will enjoy it.
efkarpos said:
cant pick
maybe low
the instrumental urodjokidoji(yeah something like that) is fucking great!!
UROTSUKIDOJI!!! Who here knows the reference??
Anyone hear that relatively new disc from the Alex Skolnick Trio, "Transformation" (at least I think that's the name of it)? Skol is now fronting a three-piece jazz group and he tackles a slew of numbers, including some metal classics like "Blackout". I played that track on the air, and was floored by what I heard. (Still have to listen to the whole disc, though.)
dailyvault said:
Anyone hear that relatively new disc from the Alex Skolnick Trio, "Transformation" (at least I think that's the name of it)? Skol is now fronting a three-piece jazz group and he tackles a slew of numbers, including some metal classics like "Blackout". I played that track on the air, and was floored by what I heard. (Still have to listen to the whole disc, though.)

That is an amazing CD. Skolnick just smokes on it. It is regularly played at my place. Especially when we have company over. None of them can believe that he used to be in a thrash band.

That disc just shows you how great a guitarist he really is. The take on Electric Eye (I think) is really cool.
Thanx, Canuckle... I'll try to play "Electric Eye" when I'm back on the air Saturday. (That is, if I get my disc back from the station manager - loaned it to him last Saturday.)