The Ritual vs The Black Album

The Ritual vs The Black Album

  • Testament - The Ritual

    Votes: 20 80.0%
  • Metallica - The Black Album

    Votes: 5 20.0%

  • Total voters
Sep 13, 2002
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I like both albums but I pick 'The Ritual' just cuz it edges out 'The Black Album' a bit and

Electric Crown > Enter Sandman
Return To Serenity > Nothing Else Matters

And let's not turn this into a Testament vs Metallica thread plz!
Ritual's one of my favourite albums of all time and Black shows that Metallica's (unlike TestAmenT) failed their attempt to change the style. There are a couple of good tracks on Black (The God That Failed, The Unforgiven, My Friend Of Misery), a good riff here and there, but overall it's a very mediocre album and a huge disappointment for their fans. As for TR- I love Alex's solo work on this one- it's very mature, although his characteristic style still can be heard all the time. And Chuck's vocal performance is God-like. The songs are wisely composed and some of them are truly amazing (Return To Serenity, So Many Lies, Electric Crown, As The Seasons Grey). However, Louie could have done better on this one, I think (I'm a fan of his drumming, but on TR some songs suffer from 'boring' drums). The choice's obvious for me
hiddenlegions said:
YOU started it !!!!!! :wave:

What I meant to say by this is, in these kind of threads ppl would start saying shit like Testament shits all over Metallica blablablalb etc. etc. etc. and then the thread would turn into a big argument revolving around Testament vs Metallica and who is better etc. etc. etc. etc.
High Priest Of Evil said:
Black shows that Metallica's failed their attempt to change the style.

:lol: :lol:

If releasing a cross-over album that made the band squillions of dollars is considered a failure these days, then fuck dude... What are you talking about?


Like it or not, Metallica s/t is the most successful metal album ever.
AgentsofBrutality said:
Both the Black album and the Legacy suck.But I would pick the Legacy.

I meant to say that the Ritual sucks.Testament went downhill after the New Order.The Legacy is Testaments best album and one of the best Thrash albums of the 80s.
The ritual... like it's been said on this thread, the solos on this albums are fuckin' great. Plus, many kickass songs on this one ...Electric Crown, So many Lies, Deadline,

Metallica is good and maybe the most successful metal album (I do agree there) but I like ritual better... Hell, Slipknot sold more than nevermore didn't they... I still prefer Nevermore :)
Both of the records are known for being the respective band's commercial record, so I'd say this is a very interesting poll (not that I doubted for a second who was gonna win on this site, though).

Although TBA is probably a bit more commercial than Ritual, I'd still say TBA is the better one, 'cause I don't see TBA as a bad record. I actually like it more than Justice, that record never really grabbed me (except for the god-awesome opener, IMO one of the best songs ever).

I know, there wasn't much thrash left on TBA compared to Justice, but the riffs were still there, if not of the same thrash caliber. Instead of being all-out thrashy, the songs became much catchier, but not really in a bad way. Also, not all the speed was gone, Holier than Thou, Through the Never and Of Wolf and Man were still some fast tracks (which is likely why none of those tracks made it to being singles).

The serious lack of speed was my main issue with The Ritual, which is the main reason to why I rank it lower. Electric Crown and Return to Serenity, that's pretty much it as far as solid tracks go, IMO. TBA still had some catchiness to back up the lack of thrash, but IMO, The Ritual just didn't have it.

Maybe it's because I'm a fairly open-minded metalhead, I listen to everything from mosh-speed thrash to glam (as long as it qualifies as "metal" or "rock"). That's my two cents.
hmmm i don't know

the best song of both is clearly (at least for me:)) return to serenity
but then .... i would choose wherever .., wolf.., god ... from black
then it would be electric .....

2.solos:) no contest here at all - Alex at his best form reaches the level Kirk can only dream of

generally i had a hard time with those two - when i put each one of them into my cd for the first time .... i jumped from one song to another ..... searching where the hell the fast ones are:):)
Some of you guys will probably curse me out but IMHO MetallicA with their Black Album went new path and TestAmenT, MegadetH, anthrax simply followed. Ritual is a good album (Alex was in his best shape) but IMHO is not that good as CTE.