The River Dragon Has Come - What's the meaning?

well i think they might be building another huge dam in china...but the song is about these 2 huge dams that colapsed and flooded a really large area and killed whole vilages an shit. couple hundred thousand people i think.
As officials prepare to divert China's mighty Yangtze River to build the world's largest dam, Chinese journalist Dai Qing has released a new book of critical essays about the controversial Three Gorges project. The River Dragon Has Come! is a stern warning to China's leaders from prominent Chinese intellectuals, engineers, and journalists about the dam's potentially disastrous effects on China's economy, people, and venerable Yangtze River. Chinese officials are planning to divert the Yangtze River through a coffer dam on November 8, allowing construction of the two-kilometer-wide main dam at the Three Gorges to begin.

The River Dragon Has Come! contains the first-ever independent studies of the effects of pilot resettlement projects in the Yangtze Valley, describing in vivid detail the suffering that may befall the more than 1.3 million Chinese who will eventually have to be moved; it includes the most comprehensive description of the collapse of the Banqiao and Shimantan dams in 1975, a disaster that Chinese officials successfully hid for years even though it claimed over 200,000 lives; and it details the often bitter struggle between China's government-appointed archaeologists and Communist Party officials over the future of more than 1,200 ancient sites, most of which will be forever drowned by the dam's massive reservoir.
There were two dams.

...That's the quote of The River Dragon Has Come that I wanted to ask you about – the river dragon has come; souls wash away; the earth has spoken; and taken them to their graves; in the mass destruction the bringer shows his form; technology the beast; the seventh crown - although you don't agree with what's written in the Bible, you can relate to that particular image ?

Warrel: I think it's a really strong image. I'm not Christian, that's not why I threw this in there. I've always loved to throw religious references into our music and that's basically the reason, but that song in particular, The River Dragon Has Come, was written after I was on the Internet and I was reading about technological disasters. There was a really horrible flood that happened in China three or four decades ago, I think it was in the 40s, where a dam had burst and 85.000 people were killed within five minutes. And this was considered the greatest technological disaster in the history of mankind on this big list I was looking at. That's where the inspiration for that came from. And they're doing it again now. Somewhere in China there's three rivers that meet and they're building a gigantic dam that's going to provide power for I don't know how many people, and it's the greatest undertaking they have had since they built the great Wall of China. You can find this on the Internet, and the ecological implications are horrible. It's going to destroy a lot, and it's not going to be good. It's going to kill a lot of animals and a lot of people are going to be displaced. It has the potential for extreme disaster. So that's the inspiration for that song.

So you're both right. :)
EN VIND does this mean, Odin be with us, or may Odin be with us, or something else? o_O
(and tomorrow I'll lie that I'm learning how to speak Greek. gee...)
Hehe... The prejudices about us are many, it simply means "A Wind".