The root of good music

Reminds me of Tori Amos, who I grew up listening to because my Mum's a huge fan. Can't say I like her voice as much as Tori's but she's got a lovely voice, sure.

And yeah I'd kill to work with anyone as professional as that with their instrument(s). There's too many people who get to a certain level and think they're the shit and never try and advance past a certain point, which I have zero respect for. I think whatever you're involved with when it comes to stuff like this, you should be pushing yourself to be the absolute best you can be, constantly nitpicking every aspect of your own work and the quality of it to try and improve on it next time round. It's always refreshing to see someone playing and singing this perfectly. Props to her for it.
Never heard of her before.
All I can say is wow, this is really amazing. I gotta hear more now.
That's real poetry in motion. Most of the time when people say that it's more akin to, "spellcheck in motion", but this is great.

Beautiful work.