The roots of your surname..

lol, what's in a name :p

Just to make this a general surname roots topic:

My mother's called Tschaikowski, said to be related to the composer (even tho the spelling of the name has changed over the years). I hope one day the Tschaikowski blood in me starts to take over my musical expressions :p
Damn hard to spell, pronounce and write. =-o

Now that's general: My surname is "Noveli". Totally Italian. I've heard that there's a region in Italy with this name, but I don't have a fucking clue. Maybe our new friend Baroz know about it.
baroz said:
Are perhaps Italian?
Well, Di Giorgio isn't Chinese!
Seriously though, it's definitely Italiano. My Grandparents immigrated from Italy I think around the late 1930's early 1940's. I'm pretty sure they came from a town called Pignataro Interamna (I might be a bit off on the spelling).
So, my name is Wlodarczyk. In Polish (I`d ratehr say - in the old type of this language that can be found in old Polsih books) "wlodar" means same as "leader" so I don`t wanna keep my nose high just bcuz my name would determined me to do this:)

At least I`m a Polish leader in having pictures taken with my two favs bassplayers:

My surname is 'Ziolkowski' - comes from 'ziolko' or 'ziolo' which means officially all types of healing weed's, but more popular meaning is connected to MJ :D and I like it. The 'ski' ending means (same as polish surnames edings as 'cki' or 'czyk' ) that my roots are connected to some higher members of society (in medieval or sth :D ).
haha pices of soup , man if you say the soup im probably know it my mom cookes polish stuff all the time, I am still polish you know.

I heard the Szkwarek were a noble family in the 1700's-1800's but you know my parents might have been teely me lies just to make the szkwarek name look good!