The Ruskin Arms and other London stories

I've been in London all weekend visiting my friends and being a tourist. One of my must see things was the Ruskin Arms where Maiden played some of their very first gigs as a band. It was so cool to be there, I even got a photo of me on the stage!!!
Seen so much in so little time - London Eye, Houses Of Parliament, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Hard Rock Cafe, Tower Of London, Tower Bridge, Westminster Abbey, Carnaby Street, Trafalgar Square, Picadilly Circus, Royal Courts Of Justice and stopped traffic several times on the crossing of Abbey Road. I'm sure there are other things but I can't remember. I also gatecrashed the offices of Sony BMG (don't ask!) and was wandering around Oxford Street and Park Lane at half one this morning with my drunk Irish friend after a very good night in the Intrepid Fox. London is awesome - fact! :kickass:

Still at my hotel so photos will follow when I get home. :D
I wanted to go to the Cart & Horses too but it's in Stratford and there just wasn't time. The Ruskin Arms is the most famous one so I was so glad to be able to go there!

Ok some pics now!!



Cool skeleton biker coming out of the wall above the bar


The guy in the maroon shirt was a Maiden fan, here with his friend from France who was also a fan


Now it's gets more metal!!



I got onstage!!! :D

Signed X Factor artwork and photo collages of the band in the pub


Why it says "gymnasium" there I'll never know!


Awesome pics there from an awesome place. :headbang:

Just imagine what that place was like when Paul and the band first sang there back in 1980?

I remember seeing parts of that concert, and it was a total sweat shop. I am sure it was extremely hot in that place with all those people packed up against each other, and not much air in the place.
Awesome pics there from an awesome place. :headbang:

Just imagine what that place was like when Paul and the band first sang there back in 1980?

I remember seeing parts of that concert, and it was a total sweat shop. I am sure it was extremely hot in that place with all those people packed up against each other, and not much air in the place.

Thanks very much!! I tell you something, I watched the Ruskin show from the Early Days dvd last night and from what I can see, it doesn't look much different!! That's the best kinds of rock venues, the dark and sweaty holes! Me and my friends were discussing rock club toilets and agreed that it's not a rock club unless it has one toilet is out of order, there is a toilet roll holder which is never used or the lock is broken on the working toilet. Well the Ruskin had all three!! :lol:
Thanks very much!! I tell you something, I watched the Ruskin show from the Early Days dvd last night and from what I can see, it doesn't look much different!! That's the best kinds of rock venues, the dark and sweaty holes! Me and my friends were discussing rock club toilets and agreed that it's not a rock club unless it has one toilet is out of order, there is a toilet roll holder which is never used or the lock is broken on the working toilet. Well the Ruskin had all three!! :lol:

:lol: That's so true, Jenna!
I will be in London from the 23rd until the 27th!

I am going to the Led Zeppelin reunion/benefit concert! I can't wait!!

I will have to check out the Ruskin Arms tho! Good Suggestion!

Jenna! These are great! Thanks! That's some definite Maiden history there! :headbang:

Archmagician ........ HOW did you get tickets to the Zeppelin concert!!!!!!!????:OMG:That is one show I would LOVE to see but know how next to impossible that would be!! WOW!
I would LOVE to see some pictures of The Carts and Horses Resturant. The place where the very first Maiden concert was held at in 1975 or 1976.

Hey, Ruskin Arms works too. :headbang:

One of the first major concerts that Maiden ever had was there at Ruskin Arms. That and The Music Machine club back in 1979 and 1980.
<--- jealous!!! i was trying the read the tap signs to see what kind of beer they had there hahhahah

:D From left to right - Fosters, Strongbow, John Smiths, Guinness extra cold, Carlsberg, Carling extra cold, Grolsch and normal Carling. I zoomed in on the higher resolution pic. :lol:

Jenna! These are great! Thanks! That's some definite Maiden history there! :headbang:

Archmagician ........ HOW did you get tickets to the Zeppelin concert!!!!!!!????:OMG:That is one show I would LOVE to see but know how next to impossible that would be!! WOW!

Thanks Linda! :D I was so much being there.

I probably should tell you that one of my friends offered me a ticket to that show and I turned it down.
Thanks Linda! :D I was so much being there.

I probably should tell you that one of my friends offered me a ticket to that show and I turned it down.

WT!??!???! :zombie: If it is still available and they can get ahold of another ticket may I have them? Hell, it never hurts to ask I'm finding out. I swear I will fly over there to see that show. It is the only time it is going to happen (we'll see about that) and it is a historical event IMO! DAMN. Seriously, I would get on a plane and go. :cry:
WT!??!???! :zombie: If it is still available and they can get ahold of another ticket may I have them? Hell, it never hurts to ask I'm finding out. I swear I will fly over there to see that show. It is the only time it is going to happen (we'll see about that) and it is a historical event IMO! DAMN. Seriously, I would get on a plane and go. :cry:

Not a fan and never have been. They bore me to tears!

It was only one spare ticket, so maybe you could go with Archmagician? Want me to ask her?