The "sample" on the end of "The Seven Tounges of God"...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
This kind of "mechanical" sounding voice saying "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him." And then the sounds of children laughing... When I first heard that, it made me think of a father or a grandfather, or just some "elder" reading these words out of a book, to his children. Like the elder trying to... enforce this idea on the mids of the younger generation should they ever find themselves without a god, by way of their own idleness, like just having fun like children so that they can never forget it.
I don't know, I just listened to PoE for the first time in a while and thought of that again *shrugs*
Hmmm... Well, it was used for a good purpose this time, at least. I need to talk to WD and see if he'd ever seriously make that parody Marie Callendar's commerical I thought of, video OR audio. :)
I don't know where that is originally from, but the meaning behind it is psychological, that if God did not exist, we would invent him anyway to explain what cannot be explained.
"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him."
Voltair ( i am so sure i spelled that wrong) , Voltaire or how on Tate's name it is written, said that quote
Voltaire was a christian
and that quote accepts that there is a God