Neverheadz thought on: lamb of god????

lizard said:
well first, if a label has too many artist that they can't support them all, that's a problem.
well that was exactly my point, its really their only problem, but they do get around to supporting each band the best they can. look what they did with shadows fall and lacuna coil. also keep in mind some bands hit it off while others don't.
i'll say this though, i wouldn't sign to them or have any band i know sign to them.
well just as a perception, and it really is just me, but it seemed TGE came out about the same time as Lacuna's latest, and it just seemed like there was a much bigger push behind LC...did anyone else feel like that or is it just me.:)

and yeah I know Christina is photogenic and all of that, but c'mon. I saw stickers on Comalies that said something like, "For Fans of Evanescence" and I just laughed out loud.
lizard said:
well just as a perception, and it really is just me, but it seemed TGE came out about the same time as Lacuna's latest, and it just seemed like there was a much bigger push behind LC...did anyone else feel like that or is it just me.:)

and yeah I know Christina is photogenic and all of that, but c'mon. I saw stickers on Comalies that said something like, "For Fans of Evanescence" and I just laughed out loud.
LC wasn't promoted forever, just as nevermore wasn't cause CM was pushing Blind guardian and iced earth (not even on the label anymore) and then the bands find more major labels with better deals and leave CM (Example: shadows fall, BG, Iced earth). Lacuna Coil caught on really well after just a few videos on MTV 2 from comalies. nevermore is currently getting this same amount of promotion, it is just not catching on as much. i'm sure if tons more people bought nevermore albums they'd get more funding and be put on ozzfest and better tours. remember, the band/label has to pay shit loads of cash to get a band on ozzfest. its not something that is just picked. also they've been starting to push Into Eternity a fair amount in the past year or so too. they toured non stop with tons of famous bands, plus they are on gigantour. i'd say it is pretty fair support.
Van is much better drummer than LOG's drummer. Van is multi-dimensional. Gene Hoglan, probably the best metal drummer ever, is also much better than LOG's drummer. LOG are a pop metal band. They have instant appeal, that's why so many kids like them. They hear the Pantera influence and think it's the best thing going. But how is their staying power? Pretty shitty, if you ask me. Bands that take time to get into, that challenge listeners, are the one's with staying power.
I think being dumb down has that sort of instant appeal to the public, though I have seen some marketing for them here and there.
just got the new LoG in the mail pretty good stuff (complete package). and honestly if people can be attached to a band cause they hear an influence thats good. how else can bands amass a large fanbase. and lately i've seen more and more bands going with the maiden route. but anyway, it rox and who cares how many people listen to it for what ever reason. you don't like it, cool no problem, noone's saying you have to.
I'm really getting into the song "Descending" right now, as it is a little bit of a departure for them. I know on the DVD that Morton said the band initially hated it and he doubted it would make the final cut. I'm glad they stuck with it. I'm also pretty impressed with the job they did on that DVD. Great to see the behind-the-scenes footage and the honesty they speak with.
Vacant_Planets said:
This is what we call an excuse, you may not find technical ability entertaining, but none the less it does make one more talented than LoG. Necrophagist also is hardly the most technical death metal out there. A touch of intermitten tapping is not hard to pull off.

Music that gets you moving? As in teenage angst? LOL!

There is a fine line between talent and skill. Many Death Metal players are skilled yes, but that doesn't mean they are talented. Not often do you find a combination of both (Chuck Schuldiner, for one) in the death metal world.

And I'm not talking specfically death metal players in large and established bands, as theres a reason those bands are big (great players), but more often than not, the guys playing in your local death metal bands aren't particularly skilled or talented. One needs only to go to one's local metal club on a weeknight to find out how many godawful players there are.

No one ever said 'teen angst'. When I say music that gets you moving, I'm talking about well written music that takes you and grabs you, and physically 'moves' you. Have you ever listened to something that almost hurt you physically cause it was so good? I have, and these days, its not death metal so much.

Bands that are slobbing my knob lately? Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Boris, King Crimson (eternally), Ozric Tentacles, Fovea Hex, Meshuggah.

Oh, and the new Lamb of God is pretty rad.
sleepytime rules man. i've been into them for years, and only lately have i seen people talk of them and press (probably cause of the signing to the end records).

i feel ya on the skill/talent thing. for me talent is like an overall assessment of ones musical ability, while skilled is more focused on technicallity and how you manipulate that.

Chuck is one person i wish i discovered when he was alive. he was amazing, his solos and riffs are so unique, thats true talent at its finest. today most people copy what they hear and try to blend it into something new. on top of that you find the same combinations comming up again and again. it is in every genre of music.

moving music is truely rare.
Vacant_Planets said:
This is what we call an excuse, you may not find technical ability entertaining, but none the less it does make one more talented than LoG. Necrophagist also is hardly the most technical death metal out there. A touch of intermitten tapping is not hard to pull off.

Music that gets you moving? As in teenage angst? LOL!

There is a fine line between talent and skill. Many Death Metal players are skilled yes, but that doesn't mean they are talented. Not often do you find a combination of both (Chuck Schuldiner, for one) in the death metal world.

And I'm not talking specfically death metal players in large and established bands, as theres a reason those bands are big (great players), but more often than not, the guys playing in your local death metal bands aren't particularly skilled or talented. One needs only to go to one's local metal club on a weeknight to find out how many godawful players there are.

No one ever said 'teen angst'. When I say music that gets you moving, I'm talking about well written music that takes you and grabs you, and physically 'moves' you. Have you ever listened to something that almost hurt you physically cause it was so good? I have, and these days, its not death metal so much.

Bands that are slobbing my knob lately? Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Boris, King Crimson (eternally), Ozric Tentacles, Fovea Hex, Meshuggah.

Oh, and the new Lamb of God is pretty rad.
zmetallica said:
sleepytime rules man. i've been into them for years, and only lately have i seen people talk of them and press (probably cause of the signing to the end records).

i feel ya on the skill/talent thing. for me talent is like an overall assessment of ones musical ability, while skilled is more focused on technicallity and how you manipulate that.

Chuck is one person i wish i discovered when he was alive. he was amazing, his solos and riffs are so unique, thats true talent at its finest. today most people copy what they hear and try to blend it into something new. on top of that you find the same combinations comming up again and again. it is in every genre of music.

moving music is truely rare.

By the way, that was me up there, I was accidentally logged in on my friends computer ;)

Agreed on the skill talent thing. Skill is your techincal facilities. Talent is how well you use it.

Michael Angelo is skilled as fuck on guitar. But does he write anything worth listening to? Unless you want to laugh at how bad Nitro's OFR album is (and I do sometimes :heh:), then no.

PS: I live in SF, and since Sleepytime is from Oakland, I got to see them about two weeks ago at the Oakland Metro. Holy crap, these guys are seriously the best band around!!

If anyone wants their mind blown (and I think you all do), check out either of Sleepytime Gorilla Museum's two albums. Guaranteed you blow you away...think Frank Zappa meets Gwar... and tons of homemade instruments
metaldrmmer83 said:
There is a fine line between talent and skill. Many Death Metal players are skilled yes, but that doesn't mean they are talented. Not often do you find a combination of both (Chuck Schuldiner, for one) in the death metal world.

And I'm not talking specfically death metal players in large and established bands, as theres a reason those bands are big (great players), but more often than not, the guys playing in your local death metal bands aren't particularly skilled or talented. One needs only to go to one's local metal club on a weeknight to find out how many godawful players there are.

Bad "local" bands are far from limited to death metal.
Loner said:
Bad "local" bands are far from limited to death metal.

Point is, not all death metal players are better than the guys in LOG.

What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs
rolls over your neighbor's dog?
What's great for a snack and fits on your back?
It's LAMB OF GOD! It's LOG, LOG, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood.
It's LOG, LOG, it's better than bad, it's good!
Everyone wants a LOG! You're gonna love it, LOG!
Come on and get your LOG! Everyone needs a LOG!
Brooks said:
Point is, not all death metal players are better than the guys in LOG.

What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs
rolls over your neighbor's dog?
What's great for a snack and fits on your back?
It's LAMB OF GOD! It's LOG, LOG, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood.
It's LOG, LOG, it's better than bad, it's good!
Everyone wants a LOG! You're gonna love it, LOG!
Come on and get your LOG! Everyone needs a LOG!

I'd wager that most (if not all) of the bigger ones are.
Comaring a small local act to international touring bands isn't really fair (even though I know of several small bands who could burn LoG's chops).