Neverheadz thought on: lamb of god????

Brooks said:
They certainly write better songs.

Then you either don't like death metal, or you haven't heard very much of it (which could be why you don't like it).

My whole point here is that Chris Adler (and the rest of the band) are being worshipped for ther musicianship when there are far better (and far more creative) musicians out there who are in signed, touring bands who don't get anywhere near the amount of credit they deserve.
Brooks said:
And honestly, I dont think most Death Metal players are really all that great. What they often play is just musical bombardment, flurries of notes and riffs that just attack you and dont give you any room to breathe. Technicality for technicalities sake. Thats not fun, or interesting, or even good.

When it comes to a riff that gets you in your gut and physically moves you, well, its been a long time since Dying Fetus put out a good album.

PS: Exceptions to every rule. Necrophagist.

Ah, the default anti-DM answer. Now I'm almost sure you haven't heard much of it.
can't people just say they like music and think someone is a good musician without someone whining and bitching.

obviously... the band is doing something right if they are selling as many records as they are. just because you, or anyone else DOESN'T like it... doesn't mean you're fucking god and everything you say should be a rule people should live life by. FUCK technicality. give me a song that'll fuckin get my head banging and you got me sold. Adler is a great drummer. everyone in LOG has progressed musically since their first release. but uh oh... holy shit, they're popular and suceeded with their careers... THEY MUST SUCK. fuck you and all of you who think that. Nevermore is underrated. So what. CM is a shitty label. get Nevermore on Roadrunner, and i bet you they'd be a little bit bigger. but wait... no... can't have them on that label, that label isn't tr00 enough... or grim enough... or hell... the LABEL is too POPULAR... IT MUST SUCK.

there will always be better music. there will always be better musicians. technicality does not warrant quality. and hell... can't someone actually be HAPPY that a METAL BAND is POPULAR?

btw, new album kicks ass... it impressed me. i didn't like Redneck, but that's, by far, the weakest track on the album.
SirDidymus127 said:
can't people just say they like music and think someone is a good musician without someone whining and bitching.

obviously... the band is doing something right if they are selling as many records as they are. just because you, or anyone else DOESN'T like it... doesn't mean you're fucking god and everything you say should be a rule people should live life by. FUCK technicality. give me a song that'll fuckin get my head banging and you got me sold. Adler is a great drummer. everyone in LOG has progressed musically since their first release. but uh oh... holy shit, they're popular and suceeded with their careers... THEY MUST SUCK. fuck you and all of you who think that. Nevermore is underrated. So what. CM is a shitty label. get Nevermore on Roadrunner, and i bet you they'd be a little bit bigger. but wait... no... can't have them on that label, that label isn't tr00 enough... or grim enough... or hell... the LABEL is too POPULAR... IT MUST SUCK.

there will always be better music. there will always be better musicians. technicality does not warrant quality. and hell... can't someone actually be HAPPY that a METAL BAND is POPULAR?

btw, new album kicks ass... it impressed me. i didn't like Redneck, but that's, by far, the weakest track on the album.

hahahaha yeah you nailed it. It's the metal paradox.
Loner said:
Ah, the default anti-DM answer. Now I'm almost sure you haven't heard much of it.

Oh, you'd be surprised.

I will be honest and say that I haven't been listening to dm so much anymore, as the bands that are exciting me now are not the DM bands. (who besides Akercocke and Necrophagist are doing anything interesting?)

But there is some awesome death metal out there. But when you say "most death metal musicians", I just laugh, cause most death metal musicians really really suck. And I know, as I've played with lots of them.
SirDidymus127 said:
can't people just say they like music and think someone is a good musician without someone whining and bitching.

obviously... the band is doing something right if they are selling as many records as they are. just because you, or anyone else DOESN'T like it... doesn't mean you're fucking god and everything you say should be a rule people should live life by. FUCK technicality. give me a song that'll fuckin get my head banging and you got me sold. Adler is a great drummer. everyone in LOG has progressed musically since their first release. but uh oh... holy shit, they're popular and suceeded with their careers... THEY MUST SUCK. fuck you and all of you who think that. Nevermore is underrated. So what. CM is a shitty label. get Nevermore on Roadrunner, and i bet you they'd be a little bit bigger. but wait... no... can't have them on that label, that label isn't tr00 enough... or grim enough... or hell... the LABEL is too POPULAR... IT MUST SUCK.

there will always be better music. there will always be better musicians. technicality does not warrant quality. and hell... can't someone actually be HAPPY that a METAL BAND is POPULAR?

btw, new album kicks ass... it impressed me. i didn't like Redneck, but that's, by far, the weakest track on the album.

You've missed the point. I don't care if anyone likes LoG, they're good at what they do, they're better musicians than what most people have heard, and they get more people interested in the heavier side of metal. I find them a bit boring, but that's irrelevent to the point.
As I said before, my point was that LoG (or at least their drummer, in this case) are being worshipped for their musicianship when there are far more deserving bands (at the very least on a musicianship level) out there who are being largely ignored.
I would expect your average Joe Schmoe to be amazed by Chris Adler's drumming (he is good, after all), but I would expect people involved in the "online metal community" to have heard better drummers, or at least have heard enough good drummers to realize that C.A. isn't anything spectacular.
Brooks said:
Oh, you'd be surprised.

I will be honest and say that I haven't been listening to dm so much anymore, as the bands that are exciting me now are not the DM bands. (who besides Akercocke and Necrophagist are doing anything interesting?)

But there is some awesome death metal out there. But when you say "most death metal musicians", I just laugh, cause most death metal musicians really really suck. And I know, as I've played with lots of them.

I'm not talking about slow stuff like Six Feet Under. I'm having a hard time thinking of very many DM musicians who I would say "really, really suck", particularly in comparison to music like LoG's. I could see how someone into neo-classical shred or technical prog would say that, but even those guys often have a difficult time with the unorthodox styles involved in a lot of DM.
Whether or not one likes their music is subjective, but most of these guys are playing some pretty demanding stuff in one way or another.
Maybe we're thinking of different bands here, care to list a few of the bands with shitty musicians you're talking about?
Brooks said:
And honestly, I dont think most Death Metal players are really all that great. What they often play is just musical bombardment, flurries of notes and riffs that just attack you and dont give you any room to breathe. Technicality for technicalities sake. Thats not fun, or interesting, or even good.

Though you speak the truth, when I'm in the mood I enjoy the sweet death sound of running over a guitar with a steamroller. The rest of the time I'm listening to lighter stuff like Dream Theater, Symphony X, Edguy (my god the list could go on forever)

But that's more reason why I like bands like Into Eternity, In Flames, and Soilwork.

Halfway between light and heavy.
Brooks said:
They certainly write better songs.

And honestly, I dont think most Death Metal players are really all that great. What they often play is just musical bombardment, flurries of notes and riffs that just attack you and dont give you any room to breathe. Technicality for technicalities sake. Thats not fun, or interesting, or even good.

When it comes to a riff that gets you in your gut and physically moves you, well, its been a long time since Dying Fetus put out a good album.

PS: Exceptions to every rule. Necrophagist.

This is what we call an excuse, you may not find technical ability entertaining, but none the less it does make one more talented than LoG. Necrophagist also is hardly the most technical death metal out there. A touch of intermitten tapping is not hard to pull off.

Music that gets you moving? As in teenage angst? LOL!
LAMB OF GOD's "Sacrament" sold around 63,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. 8 on next week's The Billboard 200 chart. This is almost double the amount of records sold by its predecessor, "Ashes of the Wake", which registered a first-week tally of 35,000 back in September 2004. "Ashes of the Wake" has since gone on to sell 260,000 copies in the U.S., according to Nielsen SoundScan.

The following are notable heavy metal/hard rock U.S. sales debuts for the week ending August 27, 2006, as reported by Nielsen SoundScan (all CD figures are rounded to the nearest thousand, except numbers under 3,000, which are rounded to the nearest hundred; The Billboard 200 chart position included, where applicable):

LAMB OF GOD – "Sacrament": 63,000 (#8)
DEICIDE – "The Stench of Redemption": 4,000
WALLS OF JERICHO – "With Devils Amongst Us All": 2,800
MISERY SIGNALS – "Mirrors": 2,500
THREAT SIGNAL – Under Reprisal": 700
TERRORIZER – "Darker Days Ahead": 400
MERCENARY – "The Hours That Remain": 300
POISONBLACK – "Lust Stained Despair": 300
URKRAFT – "Inhuman Abberation": less than 20

I had never heard them before I was at the tattooist. While the "singing" was a bit monotonist, there were some nice melodic guitar solos to offset the grymness.
SirDidymus127 said:
can't people just say they like music and think someone is a good musician without someone whining and bitching.

obviously... the band is doing something right if they are selling as many records as they are. just because you, or anyone else DOESN'T like it... doesn't mean you're fucking god and everything you say should be a rule people should live life by. FUCK technicality. give me a song that'll fuckin get my head banging and you got me sold. Adler is a great drummer. everyone in LOG has progressed musically since their first release. but uh oh... holy shit, they're popular and suceeded with their careers... THEY MUST SUCK. fuck you and all of you who think that. Nevermore is underrated. So what. CM is a shitty label. get Nevermore on Roadrunner, and i bet you they'd be a little bit bigger. but wait... no... can't have them on that label, that label isn't tr00 enough... or grim enough... or hell... the LABEL is too POPULAR... IT MUST SUCK.

there will always be better music. there will always be better musicians. technicality does not warrant quality. and hell... can't someone actually be HAPPY that a METAL BAND is POPULAR?

btw, new album kicks ass... it impressed me. i didn't like Redneck, but that's, by far, the weakest track on the album.
the best part about this is that CM ISN'T that bad of a label, first off they are a reletively BIG label, as they own a bunch of other labels, have EMI distro, and are part of the international version of the RIAA. they are pretty major label in my book. and the fact that i know of people who love mainstream bands and also love nevermore just show their popularity. CM is the biggest indie label out there, and i'm sure soon it'll become a major in itself (you know when all of the other major labels become one). CM's problem is they get too many bands that they can't support at once, but when they do push a band, they do it really well. Nevermore are pretty damn big, i don't give a shit about the #s, and hell i'm surprised that LoG are getting indie label #s when they are as big as they are.

so these days is it just who you are signed to that matters? how much promotion/marketing you get? nevemore's on MTV2, they still rule though.

some metal heads are so fucking closed minded it sickens me. others are more open minded and don't care what label they're on or how they found out about them, just that it's good music, cause thats what it is about. i don't care if i haven't heard every freaking album of X artist, or the name of each member. thats not what it is about, this is music people. on the other hand, i can't stand when someone says they love a band and only knows like 5 songs. BUY THE FUCKING CD DAMN IT! and then listen to the WHOLE CD. (the proper answer here should be i like what i've heard and i'm just getting into them what other good songs can you suggest? btw the only exception is if the band has only one album)