the SECOND song of my solo project!!!

..your songs are dripping with talent and originality! :lol: looking forward for more...:lol:
my brother probably had nothing better to do @ work today, so he transcribed the lyrics! :lol:
Mamma, I think Frostbite has Taken my Dick - Part I
(lyrics by Mrunk Sasquatch)

kah kah kah kahkah kahkahkahkahkah
mlr-rml-rmllr - wwhhhhhhuurrrrkkkk

La la la laaaaaark
la la la laaaaa
la la la laaaaa laaa laaa
la la laaaaaaaaaa

eeemmmm-ek! eeemmmm-ek! glrbh-ne, glbrh-ne,

(weehh) laaaaaaarrrrhhhhhhg
my dick!!!!!!

[ keyboard solo ]

Fucking cold, ma!

god... it's beautiful :cry:
:ill: YOU NEED TO GET LAID DOUBLE-QUICK-TIME, you have way to much time to wank. Rent all the sexmates willing to get within sixfeet of your shriwelled weiner and get it done!! What have we done to deserve this cacophony?? MY EARS! SWEET LORD JESUS MY EARS!

*Makes mental note to spey Tut... for the good of the musical world.*

Mhh, It's funny as hell but Black Metal Annallis Electric Wheelchair Goat Hail rocked more. o_O You need to do more..erm.. shit. XD