The secret lives of the stars


Unrepentant sentient
Jan 26, 2002
Lookout mountain
Visit site
Many of you may know and respect certain members of this board, but do you know them as well as you think you do? The following excerpt is merely the beginning of a saga I bring to you; the secret life of the stars!

Nick says: Hey man
Dark Jester says: hey dude
Nick says: Whats going on?
Thanatos has been added to the conversation.
Wanderingblade has been added to the conversation.
Dark Jester says: ORGY!!!!!!
Wanderingblade says: beaten to it...
Nick says: woo hoo
Dark Jester says: lol
Nick says: So whats up?
Hyena has been added to the conversation.
Dark Jester says: nothing at all
Nick says: Np - Arch Enemy - Enemy Within
Nick says: Hello Hyena
Wanderingblade says: hurrah... we finally have a female in the orgy
Dark Jester says: went to one hell of a lock-in on wednesday night, and im just about recovered
Wanderingblade says: np: DT - To a bitter halt
Nick says: yeah!!!!!!!
Hyena says: i'm playing thps3
Dark Jester says: np: hammerfall - crimson thunder
Hyena says: be there in some minutes
Hyena says: np
Dark Jester says: ok hyena
Hyena says: mouthwash - one for sorrow
Thanatos says: what is tphs3?

Will Thanatos find the meaning of tphs3? Will the orgy be fulfilled? Does anyone care? All this shall be answered (except for that last bit) and more in the next episode of...'The secret lives of the stars!'
Seeing as its the premiere of this show, I figured I'd get a ratings boost by showing the first two episodes at the same time :grin:
On last weeks show: - Dark Jester says: ORGY!!!!!!
Thanatos says: what is tphs3?

Nick says: You dont know?
Dark Jester says: lol, this lock in was interesting...started off as meeting a girl for a quiet drink, ended up at a metal rave...when it ended at 2am (tony hawks pro skater 3), this guy said 'hey, i know the owner of this pub, lets have a lock in'
Hyena says: tony hawk pro skater 3,my fave videogame
Dark Jester says: ended up leaving at 10am, had a lecture about an hour later
Dark Jester says: i was WRECKED
Hyena has left the conversation.
Wanderingblade says: Nothing unusual there
Nick says: shiity, but fun
Thanatos says: no sex?
Dark Jester says: yeah,i know, im always wrecked
Dark Jester says: no sex lots of nile though lol
Nick says: I wish people would lock me into pubs and force me to drink
Dark Jester says: lol
Dark Jester says: for free
Nick says: \m/
Wanderingblade says: Come over to England, and we'll do it...
Thanatos says: was it for free?
Dark Jester says: so funny, me and this guy were sitting on a windowsill (coz its a hotel as well) and shouting at people going home from parties at 3am
Nick says: No, I will never go to England
Dark Jester says: and we were considering nicking some of the letters to the sign...
Nick says: hehe
Dark Jester says: decided not to bother though
Wanderingblade says: fine by me
Nick says: good good
Wanderingblade says: we once nicked and hid the crest of another school...

So merely two episodes in and we have debauchery, drunkeness and random petty theft. What could be in store for our intrepid heroes in the next 'The lives of stars'?
This is where it gets good/meaty (at my expense):

Nick says: sort of sucks
Dark Jester says: nah, we're all gonna go to mexico and crash at thanny's for a while, right dude?
Dark Jester says: (he's my pimp daddy )
Thanatos says: yeah come over
Nick says: I invited him to thanksgiving dinner
Wanderingblade says: Whats Nick done?
Thanatos says: I'll stuff nick with tamales
Dark Jester says: heh heh heh
Nick says: No I dont eat tamales
Thanatos says: I have to go to my annoying relatives dinner
Dark Jester says: ok, seeing we're all prejudiced in one way or another, can we consider australia neutral ground?
Thanatos says: I'll go broke if I feed you with something else
Wanderingblade says: Bloody convicts...
Dark Jester says: fuck you
Dark Jester says: so my great-great etc grandfather was a poacher
Wanderingblade says: not only were they criminals, they also bloody got caught
Thanatos says: lol
Nick says: Hey, Ben and Blade, your also invited over for a feast Nov. 28th at my house, you jsut need to get here
Dark Jester says: lol, right, ill just catch the number 52 bus
Wanderingblade says: Thats the day before Bal-Sagoth...
Nick says: haha oh well you wont be missing out on much
Dark Jester says: ok, ill cancel australian beach-house party then
Dark Jester says: what about transylvania
Wanderingblade says: oh no, I'm fine with australia...
Nick says: Im going to spend this Thanksgiving alone wiht no one
Dark Jester says: lol
Thanatos says: you will spend it with marisa, the cauldron and tamales
Wanderingblade says: poor Nick...
Wanderingblade says: how about having a party at Wacken?
Dark Jester says: dude! wacken
Thanatos says: that would be cool
Dark Jester says: i wanna see blind guardian live
Nick says: Why do you want to see BG?
Nick says: What a fucking waste of time
Wanderingblade says: hes gay
Nick says: haha too true
Dark Jester says: because otherwise im wearing my tightest of tight pants for nothing!
Dark Jester says: fuck you guys, im going home

And after just gets worse...:rolleyes:
Ok, ok, at the time, me, Nick, Thanatos and WB thought this would be a great idea...I'm guessing you guys aren't convinced ;) In that case, if you guys say the word, I'll organise for this thread to have a little accident ok? Sorry if I've seriously annoyed anyone :grin: