"The Secret"

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The Secret (2006)

What the fuck is this bullshit? How can these morons seriously be called "philosophers"? My mom watching this (and enjoying it :waah: ) has far surpassed my threshold for sadomasochistic enjoyment. Like the first 30 minutes were hilarious, then I just wanted to punch through television screen. Seriously nauseating, and beyond popular currently.

It seems Christianity is dieing (finally), yet now the world is falling in this bullshit half-atheism. :cry:

Nothing but a liberal distraction from the harsh reality of things. "Everything can be easy, just use 'The Secret' and 'happiness' (dah green shitz) will be yours," and the truly sad thing is how pathetically convincing it is made to seem. It seems to make a sub-point that the universe is in perfect control no matter what, seemingly an obvious attempt to pacify people in regards to the environmental destruction we are wreaking (as much of the footage of "the higher universe power" was of plants and such nature, etc.).

Fuck, this is disgusting. Though I'm not sure why I continually get surprised by such levels of idiocy, it is every fucking where.
From the experience that I've had, the only people this self-help bullshit helps is the people that make it, as they inevitably end up making a huge wad of cash.
wow, your mom must be a dilluted idiot. its too bad she is enjoying something. gosh, i hope its not inspiring her. hopefully she wakes up to the harsh reality of things. i haven't seen it, or even heard of it until this thread. but, i'm assuming its one of those "keep a positive attitude, love the world, embrace your heart, intuition, imagination" things. yah...bad advice!!!!

i think the problem is when every word is taken literally. the unifying theme of all self-help programs is to believe in and love yourself. some people watch that show, become inspired, and live a happy life. some people watch that show, become inspired, fail, and commit suicide. some people read thousands of pages of philosophy, gain mountains of knowledge and live a happy life. some people read thousands of pages of .....

there is nothing wrong with that show. i hope it works wonders for people. maybe some of them will become enviromentalists.

This forum is for philosophy- discourse with justification. No one cares what you think unless you demonstrate a thoughtful reasoning process.

This forum is for philosophy- discourse with justification. No one cares what you think unless you demonstrate a thoughtful reasoning process.

But isnt The Secret discourse without justification?--the random thoughts of some middle aged middle class frau?
first of all, my response was no less thoughtfull than this thread, or the other response. secondly i understand what you really mean, and i'll give it a shot later.
My mum was a fan of this one too - she gave it to me to watch sometime last year, I put up with it for a while and then drifted off to sleep - the few bits I heard of the latter part sounded more worthwhile though, seemed like they got away from 'how to own a big house' and more to 'how to live a happy life'.

Seemed like a few worthwhile bits of information wrapped up in a load of shit. Reading between the lines, the main points I noticed in it were: Focus on solutions, not problems; Your mental state is the strongest influence on your life you have.

While *I* thought it was largely ridiculous, it seems worthwhile in that it makes people think on the issues, doesn't suggest anything particularly negative, and has a number of suggestions I would consider positive, for people to try as they will. Not everyone is able to digest more intellectual works...
The problem with the secret isn't that its self help bs its that they actually say you can have what you want just by wishing it and putting your mind to it not that you have to work for it.
the placebo effect is neat, but like acupuncture, it may work in practice, but to accept the nonsense mythology (shakras or whatever) that surrounds it is just a bit silly.
the placebo effect is neat, but like acupuncture, it may work in practice, but to accept the nonsense mythology (shakras or whatever) that surrounds it is just a bit silly.

actually, chakras aren't mythological. the symbols used to represent them are. once again, its when people take things literally that the problem is created. the chakras represent psychophysical energy centers in the body. some practices focus on 88,000 chakras, some on 5. the individual must decide for themselves. there are idiots that will take this literally and believe they have flowers emanating from their ass, and that they are enlightened, without ever engaging in real practice. it won't necessarily do harm, just no real good. its kind of like being a christian by going to church on christmas and easter.

actually, chakra stuff is the direction that modern medicine (especially psychology) should be moving.

in fact, its so real, you can take notice today. next time you feel anger, or love, or have an idea, take notice where you feel it in your body. its a "chakra".

if anything, i think its great that ideas like this are being introduced to the mainstream.
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