The "Seven Types" of metal fans

I'm a well rounded "facade" fan. I listen to all genres, but I love BDM, raw BM, and anything else that's weird. In fact, I like hard to listen to music of all genres, not just metal. I mean, I have the German Army's Soldier Chorus (3rd Reich era) on LP. Nobody but me likes that shit.
Im a true metal fan. Not like half the internet nerds that know every single band on the planet and thinks that makes him more metal.
.. lol

all the bands i learned through real life.
Well rounded closet metal fan. I don't think my clients and coworkers would appreciate me blasting "Blood of Christians on my Sword" or "Caesar Forever" whilst driving everyone to a business lunch. Now if I'm by myself, it's on.

While the young metal fan probably thinks that it would be cool (sorry, kewl) to shock my clients and coworkers, it's really immature and quite frankly, retarded.

I'm too old for such nonsense, thus the closet half.
Mix of musician fan and well rounded. I like some of the non musical aesthetics such as album art, but I don't care for shock value or theatrics. One might call me a closet fan because I don't dress "metal" but I'll have a conversation with anyone if the subject comes up.
Well rounded closet metal fan. I don't think my clients and coworkers would appreciate me blasting "Blood of Christians on my Sword" or "Caesar Forever" whilst driving everyone to a business lunch. Now if I'm by myself, it's on.

While the young metal fan probably thinks that it would be cool (sorry, kewl) to shock my clients and coworkers, it's really immature and quite frankly, retarded.

I'm too old for such nonsense, thus the closet half.

It's not about shocking, it's about educating. It would be unwise to delve into the extreme end of metal while driving with said clients/coworkers, but I would, in your position, relish the opportunity to "shock" them by playing Therion.
It's not about shocking, it's about educating. It would be unwise to delve into the extreme end of metal while driving with said clients/coworkers, but I would, in your position, relish the opportunity to "shock" them by playing Therion.

I'm not sure the idea is to "shock" people by showing them bad music.
I'm between closet and well rounded metal fan. Unfortunately, I have become a closet metal fan lately, because that's what happens when you live in a 3rd world country with people lacking knowledge in music.
I'm not sure the idea is to "shock" people by showing them bad music.

Well, that's just, like, uh, your opinion, man. I'm not going to debate the merits of Therion, just agree to disagree. The point is not that your average Joe or Jill will necessarily fall in love with it, but I'm sure most of them have no fucking idea that there are metal bands that sound like Therion. But I see that you are big fan of Pain of Salvation, so that would be a more applicable example for you; hardly anything too extreme unless you're at a retirement home.

I'm between closet and well rounded metal fan. Unfortunately, I have become a closet metal fan lately, because that's what happens when you live in a 3rd world country with people lacking knowledge in music.

It makes sense to be a closet metal fan if you live in an oppressive theocracy like Iran. But in most cases, it's just craven to do so. Now, obviously, it's fucking daft to go around flaunting your music taste to every person you meet, but if your co-workers of several years or more still have no idea that you like metal, I start to wonder. I hardly think that what kind of music you like is too personal a subject to broach at work, but, then again, some places do have a very strong barrier between professional and personal lives.