The show of your dreams


Apr 6, 2004
Northern part of Finland
Ok, lets start a new thread about a Kalmah show of your dreams.

In this show band plays 10 songs in a basic set and 3 song encore. Now it's your chance to make the setlist.
Feel free to choose the songs that you´d love to hear and please, take your time in thinking about the order of the songs, maybe short breaks for comments of the band, place for one special solo of your favorite instrument and maybe some other special things like lighting or so. Anything that would turn you on.

Please, place this show somewhere which you also will tell us. And think about TWO opening acts too, other MUST be a finnish band, other you may choose freely. But remember: on this gig Kalmah will be the main act. So don't get carried away by the opening acts. Got it?! ;)

DON'T write just a list of your favorite songs but think about the whole context. Plain lists will not interest anyone but your thoughts and dreams will.

And now: off you go! :)
*I'll bet this one will be interesting for the fans and for the band as well*
i would love to see Kalmah play a show in Hartford Connecticut in America just because its where i am! for the opening act i would like to see children of bodom [ i know some kalmah fans don't like the 2 together, well fuck that because their both good, but i like kalmah more =) ] and i guess the other opening act will be .... Behemoth, [unless if this one needs to be Finnish as well i would pick wintersun] ok so here would be my ultimate set list i think.. subject to change!

They will return - good way to start off a concert with the high energy
Evil in you- keepin the energy high
Burbot's Revenge- i love the story behind this song
Bird of Ill Omen
To the Gallows- the whole crowd will get into this song, its just that badass
Using the Word - then pekka could spit on the mic at the end of the song

Heres the giant guitar solo and its going to be really badass

Defeat - well you need to start it up again after you slow the songs down with the solo
Alteration- badass song enough said
Hades - gettign close to the end of set, you need this song in a kalmah concert
Tordah! - we will end with a big bang!

For the Encore:
The Black Waltz
Heroes To Us
Ok for the third encore song i want them to play a cover of the song "The Philosopher by Death - im pretty sure they like death because of the whole "infernal Death demo" where it was groan of the wind with high vocals, i just think it would be cool to hear The Philosopher Kalmah style.

and in there i would like solo's of ever instrument, mix it up a bit

P.S. for other people on the forums the band members are goign to steal our set lists!
Well if i was rich i will not care about the place i will just fly to it!
Well i would love a show in Quebec,Canada > in montreal if possible like at the "Foufounes Electriques" some great bands like Stormlord played in this place :)
Opening : 1st > Eternal Tears Of Sorrow ! i love their style,but far from Kalmah !! 2nd > Mors Principium Est , they have another style of melodies that i like but still far from Kalmah !

Alteration > the keyboard will do an nice slow introduction
Heritance Of Berija > to keep the power growing
Kill The Idealist > to calm down a bit and start again with more energy
Hades >*a must ! can mix the end of the previous song
The Groan Of Wind > don't need to talk about it !
Time Takes Us All > the intro is amazing

some kick ass solo

The Blind Leader >*just admit it is the best !
Hollow Heart > kick ass both guitar and keyboard solos
They Will Return >*nice solos in there and because,they will return with the encore loll !

Encore :
Heroes To Us > need some swampsong !!
Vezi Doroga > Why not ! this is a very good song
One From The Stands > for sure !

to end everything nicely why not a drum solo then a guitar and keyboard riff
:loco: o_O
Why only Finnish bands?

Anyway, I wouldn't choose CoB cause they're boring as hell. I'll probably go with Mors Principium Est and Eternal Tears of Sorrow. About the Kalmah setlist, I'd prefer Swamplord back to back, but oh well... Here goes:

01 Alteration - it would make a perfect intro as said
02 Dance of the Water - amazing intro with the keyboards and the solo
03 Evil in You - a personal favorite ;)
04 Swamphell - the guitars and keyboards are brilliant
05 The Blind Leader - yes, I know, it is the best :D

Tordah solo

06 Hades - time to mosh!
07 Doubtfull About it All - one of the best riffs I've heard
08 The Groan of the Wind - so different, so awesome
09 Defeat - the vocals are killer
10 Using the Word - the ideal song to end the setlist

The crowd start screaming that they want more! :p Eventually Kalmah come back and play another 3 songs:

11 Black Roija
12 Cloned Insanity
13 Kill the Idealist

it'd be a dream come true if they any song of 'The Black Waltz' live, but with Pekka's 'scream' vocals. that would sound kick ass for sure.

they should open with Groan of the Wind and end the concert with Evil In You.
after the show they should be available to sign t-shirts and booklets and have a chat with them, along with some quality Finnish beer.

hmm.. perhaps a complete DVD recording should be taken to enjoy afterwards.

I'd love for Kalmah to play in Singapore (in southeast asia, a small dot on the map if any of u were wonderin). As for the two bands i'd pick Amon Amarth and need for any explanations...but i think thats wat u meant by "getting carried away" i'd go with Eternal Oath since its one of my fav yet not many people have heard of it...good melodies,vocals and heavy riffs and 2ndly and Wintersun, the next best thing to kalmah besides amon amarth and cuz it has to be from finland

dun really have any ideas for the settings....mayb some trivium dolls for pekka to spit on after Using the something to stomp on during moshin or watever....and that circus freak chick with fireworks on her boobs in one of CoF's videos...cracks me up to see it

1 Time takes us all - kickass intro and the almighty scream at the start will be perfect for the start
2 They will return - high energy
3 The Third, The Magical - the 3rd song =D and an epic one
4 Heritance of Berija - personal favourite and 1 of my fav solo
5 The Black Waltz - another epic one

The Blind Leader Solo

6 Cloned Insanity - i just have to listen to this
7 Bird of Ill Omen - heavy and melodic and i like the vocals in this one
8 Hades - The song that got me into Kalmah. awesome song.enuff said
9 Groan of wind - shud be a kickass when live
10 Evil in you - i think the drums at the end is a good way to end the show

1 Using the word - i love the melody
2 One from the stands - i love screaming along to this song
3 Kill the idealist - love the melody and my fav solo
1. Swamphell
2. Tordah
3. Man Of The King
4. The Blind Leader
5. The Groan Of Wind
6. Hollowheart
7. Bird Of Ill Omen
8. Man With Mystery
9. Bitter Metallic Side
10. Principal Hero

11. Moon Of My Nights
12. Cloned Insanity
13. Hades

All of this, plus insane moshing and circle pits the whole fucking time. THat would be the best show ever.
1.Black Roija (best Kalmah song so i wouldn't mind this be in the encore also :)
2.Defeat, and without any pause straight to..
3.Man with mystery
4.Heroes to us
5.The Black Waltz
Anttis kickass, mindblowing imrovised solo
7.Burbots revenge
8.Hollow Heart
Pekkas insane solo
9.To The Gallows
Heritance Of Berija
They Will Return
Hades, with the same ending as in spinefeast with the end twice.

The show should have many bombs and flames and they should have a 10 meter high Swamplord running on stage if Maiden wouldn't had come up with the idea :p
A long and slow beat of keyboard would introduce the shows, then we would heard the clean guitar of Kill the Idealist :

#1 - Kill The Idealist
#2 - Hades
#3 - Heritance of Berija
#4 - Dance of the Water
#5 - The Third, The Magical
#6 - The Groan of Wind
#7 - They Will Return
#8 - Mindrust
#9 - Withering Away
#10 - Alteration

And the last one, ive think about it, and the best to conclude would be :

#11 - Moon of My Nights
1. Alteration
2. Bird of the Ill Omen
3. Swamphell
4. Man of the King
5. The Third, The Magical
6. Sveri Doroga
7. Hades
8. Heroes to Us.